a meeting/chp.8\

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/Davis' pov\

"Guess this is everyone?" I asked

Everyone had nodded

I had looked over to Adrien "where is sammy?"

"She goes to college now" they said. Adrien looked very tired and like they were crying, they were also wearing Bryan's jacket and blue earrings to represent Dylan

"I see" I say

"So why are we here?" Asked Vendi

"Kat had recently gone missing" I said "some portal came when she took a step into our room, I've been looking for her but the way she went missing made me...think about the others"

"You think they went missing in similar ways?" Asked Fern an employee of Iris'

"Maybe" I say

"And this isn't a way for you to get us to help you?" Asked Vendi

He isn't wrong, out of everyone I do care more for Kat and is the reason why I am doing this

I sighed"I did start this for her and care more for her but I believe that's how it is with most of us"

"I mean...I guess?" Asked Philip

Molten had rolled his eyes "just get to the point"

"Indeed, I don't know how long the animatronics can distract Gregory" says Vendi

Gregory was a child he had found in this building and took him in, why? I don't even know with this man

"Right, we have checked a lot of places...but when I saw that portal something lined up" I said

"And that is?" Asked Adrien

"The themepark" I say "the only place with a portal and got blocked off when this all started to happen"

"Meaning we need to find and make ways in?" Asked Fern then took out a bat

"I feel like we are skipping over the whole portal" says Pluto, they are wearing Dylan's jacket, one of slep's shirts and some smily face earrings for King

"That is a long story I can explain near the end of this" I say

"Alright" Says Pluto

"So we are breaking into freddyland?" Asked Philip

"Yes" I say

"I'm good at breaking into places" sayd Adrien....we all just stared at them in confusion "... don't worry about it"

"When are we going to do this?" Asked Molten

"I was thinking in a few days" I say "like around 2-4 days from now"

"Guess that works" says Vendi

"Indeed, we can finally find out the truth" I said

Then we were into more detailed planning about how we plan on getting in and what to do after

Author's note: Mary's ref is now in the character ref chapter:3

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