Twenty Five

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3 Months Later ( Last Court Day)

I sat in the courtroom with my leg shaking! I feel confident but at the same time, I just don't know what is about to happen. Looking to my left I see Amira talking with her lawyer. Smiling like isn't is just so normal for her. She had her mom and sister with her and her busted ass friends. I turned around to my side to only see my Dad. He's the only one that showed up for me.

I thought back to a time when Amira and I were best of friends and were in love. Well, it was that young love. I remember the day she told me she was pregnant. I had just got home from hanging out with Mike. She was in my room looking down at something. Once I sat next to her she told me she was pregnant. I was shocked and I knew I wasn't ready but what could I do? That baby was my responsibility too. I went out and got one more job and we moved into a little apartment. We made it work.  Later after having Omari she disappeared and came back. She was different and I finally learned about her cheating and her being pregnant. That's when she left and now here we are.

Our Lawyers went back and forth with each other. The judge went over the accusations against me. "Your Honor, as Ms. Banks stated previously, Mr. Graham here is from a well known drug organization. He's  abusive and not to mention from a family of killers."

" Objection Your Honor!"


" We also have witnesses to this abuse." I couldn't believe this shit. Witnesses? How? Omari lives with me who are these witnesses?

My Lawyer stood up. " Your Honor, these allegations are baseless and false. My client has provided a stable and loving environment for Omari, and he has always acted in the best interests of his son." I watched the judge as she listened attentively, her expression stern.

Amira was called to the stand, and I watched as she took her place, her demeanor composed. Her lies flowed effortlessly, painting a damning picture of me as a dangerous and unfit father. This shit was ridiculous! All these fucking lies. Honestly, I felt like crying right then and there.

It was now my turn to be called up to the stand. My turn to speak my truth. I stood with a heavy heart, ready to defend the love I had for my son. "Your Honor  " I began, my voice trembling with emotion.

" I've loved Omari from the moment he was born. I've worked tirelessly to provide for him and create a safe home. I've never been involved in drugs, and I would never harm my son." Amira's eyes met with mine. A mixture of anger and determination in her gaze.

" You're a liar, Aubrey!!"

The courtroom seemed to close in on me as I struggled to maintain my composure. I  felt the weight of the false accusations, the damning pictures that had been presented to the court. They showed me in situations that had been taken out of context, standing with my brother and friends, or on a street corner, the images carefully curated to make me look like a criminal.

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