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She closed her eyes when her tongue felt the smoothness of one of the balls on her ice cream. She smiled widely as she twirled her tongue around the ice cream in her mouth, almost doing a little happy dance (at least doing it in her mind) as she swallowed and licked more of her (f/flavour) ice cream. It had been months since she had an ice cream, especially one as good as this one. Besides, it was starting to be chilly outside, and she had always believed that ice cream hit differently when the weather was cold.

While she enjoyed her ice cream with the utmost pleasure expression, Gojo looked at her from the seat to her right. He watched her with an amused expression and an even more entertained smile. Meanwhile, he himself licked from his sweet ice cream a few times. 

"How come you kiss the ice cream better than you kiss me?" he complained with a pout but clear teasing in his voice and eyes behind his sunglasses. She looked at him with confused eyes and arched brows while she continued to lick from her ice cream cone. 

"What do you mean?" she answered when her mouth wasn't so full with ice cream, but she quickly caught on, and so she smirked at him "How do you want me to kiss you?" she asked with an innocent tone that did not match her (e/c) eyes. 

And as soon as she said that she began eating —no, it couldn't be called 'eating', and 'licking' would as well fall short —or well, kind of making out jokingly with the ice cream on her cone. 

"Mmh... Satoru~" she teasingly moaned his name while she exaggerated the way he said she should kiss him. He swallowed, not expecting his name to come out like that from her now-stained lips "You taste so good~" she added after kissing/licking her ice cream, this time with a chuckle when she caught a glimpse of Gojo's faint blush. But it lasted shortly, because before she could lick the leftover ice cream of her lips, Gojo did, smacking their lips together rather harshly and definitely unexpectedly. Now it was her the one to have heating cheeks. 

"Now I taste better, thank you," he smirked, pulling away and licking his lips. Now (Y/n) wasn't so bold anymore, especially when he leaned in close again "And keep moaning my name like that, and it won't be the only thing you'll be moaning for me," he added, making sure she had a clear vision of his majestic eyes since he knew they usually both aroused her and made her nervous. But she bit her lip and grinned, staring right at his eyes.

"Sa-to-ru~" she cooed, and he inevitably bit his bottom lip as well as his smile widened. 

"For someone that wants to take things slow, you sure like to tease~" he hummed almost over her lips. She smiled again, eyes flickering to his pink lips the same way his were doing. 

"Maybe I learned from you," she answered, right when a notification from her phone broke their playful chat. She looked away from him to take her phone, which he took to his advantage to steal a piece of his ice cream. 

"Hey!" (Y/n) complained with a frown but a smile when he did that, pushing him away softly. He looked away, thoughtful, feeling the flavor of her choice of ice cream. He then sighed, disappointed. 

"I think it tasted better off your lips," he answered dismissively, making her blush slightly as she shook her head and answered the text she got. 

Since she got silent Gojo got curious and leaned over her shoulder to snoop on her phone. But right before he could get a glimpse of the conversation on the screen Geto arrived with his ice cream. (Y/n) kept the phone away and the couple looked at their dark-haired friend.

"What did you get?" (Y/n) asked as she and Gojo curiously looked at his ice cream.

"Wanna try?" He asked both of his friends after they heard what it was and almost drooled from their eyes. Both of them nodded in unison. Geto almost smiled at their synchronicity, grabbed a spoonful of his ice cream, and placed it in (Y/n)'s mouth. She licked the ice cream as she debated whether or not she liked it more than her own. Meanwhile, Gojo stared at her with a strange frown that kind of looked like a pout.

"Me too!" He whined, opening his mouth so Geto would give him his ice cream as well, and so he did. And he too took a bit to decide which of the three ice creams he liked the most.

"I think I like yours better..." she mumbled to Geto, disappointed with her own choice of ice cream after having tried his.

"Mine tastes better," Gojo commented with a self-absorbed grin, eating from his own ice cream.

"Yours is too damn sweet," she shook her head in denial with a grimace just from remembering the taste. Although it wasn't that bad when she tasted that same sweetness off his lips. He pouted, he clearly didn't think the same.

"You can have mine if you want," Geto said to her, he really didn't mind. It was just an ice cream to him. She smiled and they switched ice creams, but shortly after her phone rang, this time with a call, and she stepped away to answer it. There was a short silence while Gojo ate his ice cream and Geto ate his, or well, (Y/n)'s. And meanwhile, Geto looked at (Y/n)'s figure outside the place they were in.

"What is it?" Gojo asked him with his mouth full as he turned to look where he was looking, and thus (Y/n)'s figure in the street.

"She's a good girl," Geto commented, making Gojo's eyes turn from her to him "For the life she's had..."

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously but unbothered as he continued to fill his cheeks with ice cream like a chipmunk.

"Her dad murdered, forced to live with a man she didn't know that well, bullied when she was in school..."

"Wait, she was bullied?" Gojo stopped eating ice cream. 'Why didn't I know of this?' He asked himself with a frown. Suguru nodded.

"She told me the other day," Suguru dismissed it with his hand "I guess it wasn't that big of a deal for her if she didn't tell you," he added when he noticed Gojo's subtle change in expression "Pretty especial don't you think?" Gojo turned around to look at (Y/n) again. His watchful eyes fell on her slight frown and the way her head tilted slightly each time she answered whoever she was on the phone with. Even like that, all serious, she looked pretty. He shrugged his shoulders, although his words betrayed his real thoughts:

"Yeah," he mumbled before he stuffed his mouth with more ice cream. Even though he didn't agree because of the same reasons as Suguru, but Satoru didn't quite realize that.

"Her technique," Suguru mentioned after a few seconds of silence, Gojo moved his blue irises from his creamed-color ice cream to his best friend "Had you ever heard of it before her?" Gojo leaned his face on his palm thinking about it, and then he shook his head in denial "Don't you think it's weird? Toji's existence was widely known, but hers or her technique? Nothing," Gojo's brow furrowed. Truthfully, he at least should have heard something about a technique like hers. Even if she came from a normal family, cursed techniques were usually already known, if not completely, to some extent. But the only person who was similar to her was Toji, and even then it wasn't comparable because (Y/n) did have a cursed technique. To be fair, he as well had thought about it before. 

"Her mother's family are sorcerers," Gojo commented. She hadn't particularly told him, but he got to that conclusion from the things she did tell him.

"Do you know which clan?" Geto asked him, Gojo shook his head in denial. He had also considered the possibility of her being from one of the main clans, but then again, he would have known about her existence or her technique at least. So he dismissed the possibility "She said she didn't want anything to do with them, so she never asked her father"

"Don't you think that's strange too?" Gojo thought for a while. He did find it strange because if it were him, he would want to know, but he understood that there might be people who didn't care that much about family, especially if they didn't have a great relationship. Although knowing that they killed her father... He definitely would want to know. But he shrugged his shoulders, it wasn't his place to judge or decide for her. Even though to be fair, Suguru was right "She's quite interesting..." he added, leaving Gojo more thoughtful. He looked up from his ice cream to him again, but just then (Y/n) entered the place. However, she didn't sit down. Instead, she took a wide bite of her ice cream before she started to grab her things.

"It was Yaga-sensei, I have to go," she said while munching the cookie that came with the ice cream "You can have the rest," she added, pointing at the ice cream with her chin while she put on the jacket of her uniform "I'll see you later?" She said as a goodbye, looking at Satoru first, and then Geto. The latter gave him one of his usual closed-eye smiles, and when (Y/n) saw, she smiled, relieved to see that he didn't seem as downcast as the other day. Then she smiled at Satoru too before she left, but he remained thoughtful, about Geto, about (Y/n), about both of them...

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