Chapter 2

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The Fire Demon had been in control for months killing thousands of innocent lives. "You know Sith master, we are an amazing duo". "Yeah we are Fire Demon". Fire Demon grabs his head and Lee returns. "Where am I"? Quinlan ignites his red lightsaber. "Lee". Quinlan said. "Master"? Lee ignites his orange saber. "I don't want to fight you". "I want to fight you Lee". Quinlan replied and he would attack Lee. Lee only blocked and didn't fight back. "Come on this is not how I have trained you Lee, fight back". Lee closes his eyes and stabs his Master, killing him. Quinlan's body drops to the ground and Lee deactivates his lightsaber. "I am sorry Master". Years would pass and Lee has become older now. Lee enters a room seeing his new student Tango Fett. "Hello Tango". "Hello Master Illing". Tango replied to Lee "Today I will be teaching you, balance"

"Balance? That's so boring"

"Balance is not boring at all, it is what makes us Grey Jedi"
"Sit". Lee would sit and Tango sat down as well. "Now focus on the darkness and the light to find balance". Tango would give a nod and meditate thinking about his life and he would fry to focus on his balance. "Hatred and fear are natural parts of life, embrace them, use them". Tango would become more peaceful and calmer. "Now use the hatred and fear to your own advantage and create lightning". Little sparks of lightning would come out of Tango's hands but that was all. "Focus, you're strong Tango you're powerful, now use that power". Hoping to not let his master down, Tango shot a bolt of lightning across the room. "Was that good Master?" "Very good Tango". Lee would be perfecting Tango's force lightning and hours pass. "Now Tango we will be training on lightsaber combat, do you have your saber"? "Yes master". Tango ignites his blue lightsaber. "Okay I will teach you form I today". Lee would stand in the position of form I. "Stand like this". Tango stands in the same exact position and Lee would show how to fight and Tango copied his moves learning for hours. "Very good Tango. I will talk with other Grey Jedi masters about your knight trial". "Thank you Master". "No problem Tango". Tango bows to Lee and Lee walks away. Lee enters The Tranquil Star Cantina owned by Liv Syndulla. "One whiskey" Liv would fill up the glass and slide it over to Lee. Lee would start drinking while Liv cleaned the bar. Lee didn't look at Liv when he walked in so the moment he lifted his head seeing Liv he was shocked how beautiful she was. He tried asking for her name but failed. Lee was in love. Lee stood up putting money on the counter and Lee would walk away. "Wait! What's your name?" Liv asked before Lee walked away. "Lee-Fy Illing". Lee replied and Lee walked away back to his ship. Lee enters his ship sitting in it but not taking off. "Master, can we train". Lee heard the comms from Tango. "Sure Tango meet me at the Jedi temple in the training room." "Yes Master". Tango replied and he closed the comms. Lee takes off to Coruscant. Somewhat later Lee landed on Coruscant and Lee walked out of his ship seeing Tango waiting for him outside the training room. Tango bowed to Lee walking inside with him. Lee would teach Tango everything he knew for hours, after a while a Jedi Padawan walked in, Yuni Organa. Tango looked at her and stopped training to hug her, they were dating. "Yuni I missed you". Tango said. "I missed you too Tango". They would leave the room bowing to Lee before leaving. A few weeks later Lee walked up to Tango. "Today we will do your knight trials". Lee said. "Really Master?" Tango asked. "Yes". Lee points at a spot in the room. "Stand there, we will have a duel". Tango nods a little nervously but he walks to the spot igniting his saber and Lee ignites his saber. "Come on Tango, attack me". Tango would strike Lee on his chest. Lee blocked and striked his heels. Tango block and tried getting a saber lock. "Impressive". Lee said while blocking and getting out of the saber lock. The fight continued for 20 mins. Lee disarmed Tango and deactivated his saber. "That was impressive Tango". "Thank you master". "You passed your knight trials, from now on you will be Grey Jedi Knight Tango Fett." Tango bowed and walked away. Lee enters his ship and gets a distress signal from Ryloth the home planet of Liv Syndulla and Lee takes off to the planet. Landing on the planet Lee ran out of his ship with his saber ignited. "What's the problem Liv?" Liv pointed at people attacking the city. "Please, help my people." Liv was the queen of Ryloth. "Of course Liv". Lee rushed into battle fighting many people and winning many battles. After Lee killed everyone that attacked the people of Ryloth Lee would return to Liv. "All done Liv". Liv smiled and walked a bit closer to Lee. Lee ignored and said: "It was a good feeling fighting these thugs". Liv walked just a bit closer. "What are you doing Liv?" "This". Liv said as she kissed Lee. Lee was in shock but didn't push her away and kept kissing her. Liv stopped and smiled. "Let's get to my cantina". Liv said. "Sure". Lee replied. Some months later Lee needed to go to another planet and he took off. On the planet time goes faster, every day in the known regions was 1 year on that planet. Lee would stay there for 5 days, so actually 5 years. He has gotten 2 kids, Isa and Levi. Lee needed to return to the known regions to protect the planets so he took Isa and Levi with him after their mother died, Isa and Levi weren't his biological kids, he had adopted them because their parents died and Lee returned to the known regions to Liv explaining what happened

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