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Name: Ashborn 

Species: Monarch - Ruler

Titles: Ruler of Death, Shadow Monarch, Undead Monarch, Monarch of Shadows, Ruler of Darkness, God of Death, Monster Killer, God Of Monsters, Planet Destroyer, Star Eater, Giant, Exterminator, Kin Slayer, Brightest Fragment.

Height: 700 Ft 

Physical Attributes and Abilities:

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Physical Attributes and Abilities:

Immense Strength: Ashborn is the strongest being in his extinct species. He is capable of destroying entire solar systems and possibly even galaxies.

Immense Durability: Ashborn is a being with extraordinary durability as he has taken hits that are equal to having a dying star blown in the face and can still fight. He is capable of easily bearing the gravitational might of a black hole that has surpassed the Schwarzschild radius.

Immense Speed: Ashborn is the fastest living being in the entire Universe capable of travelling at the speed of light. 

Regenerative Healing Factor: Ashborn has a monstrous regenerative factor that always him to heal at a very fast pace should he be injured. This healing factor is at such a level that it can allow him to come back even if he is reduced to atoms.

Accelerated Development: Due to Ashborn's unique physiology he has a counter factor that in a sense allows him to counter anything that can harm him add to his Regenerative factor this is an incredibly fast growth, to the point where he can counter an attack that can harm him just as it hits him. 

Armour Creation: This an ability that came as a countermeasure to Piercing, Slashing and long-distance attacks. This allows him to create armour anywhere over his body.

Perfect Body Control: Ashborn gained this ability long ago after he defeated a foe who could use it. This allows him to control the weight, density and hardness of his body at will. How would he use this you may ask? Eg: Think of a skinny guy throwing a punch at a heavier and stronger opponent. The opponent knows he can take the hit, so just as the skinny guy's fist is about to make contact with the opponent's face, just a few millimetres away the skinny guy's fist suddenly becomes dense metal and hard as a diamond with it weighting a 100kg but with physical changes. The sudden increase and change of matter in the arm add to the speed of the skinny guy and add to the momentum of the fist increasing the damage output.

Spiritual Body Manifestation: This ability allows Ashborn soul to come to the material plane allowing him to take his true form.

Note - Ashborn has only taken this form once to battle his greatest foe and there was a second time when it came so close he was on the verge of taking his true soul form

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Note - Ashborn has only taken this form once to battle his greatest foe and there was a second time when it came so close he was on the verge of taking his true soul form.

Pledge of Trust and Truth: This ability allows Ashborn to make a pact with two or more parties. This way whatever question one side asks the other can only answer in truth as it is in touch with their soul so telling a lie is not possible. Ashborn can form a pact between two parties and exclude himself from it.

Spatial Manipulation: This technique allows Ashborn to Manipulate space giving him the ability to open portals at a thought anywhere as long as it is a place in physical and Astral existence.

Cosmic Radiation Control: Being a space monster means that Ashborn can control the radiation in the cosmos. This allows him to have an extended arsenal in long-range attack. Such as using cosmic radiation to generate a cosmic strom large enough to be cast over an entire solar system. The radiation is in a sense cosmic energy of the universe. The limits of this power were never tested by Ashborn given how dangerous they were and he was not someone who didn't mess with these things.

Gravity Control: The cosmic energy gave Ashborn access to the ability to control gravity at will. This had various benefits such as allowing Ashborn to travel between dimensions as the only kind of energy found between realities is gravity.

Stealth: This a skill that Ashborn learned that allows him to erase his presence of the living world. Meaning he cannot be seen, heard or sensed. This skill is perfected to such a degree it when used against any foes it minimizes Ashborn's bloodlust to the point where it cannot be felt but against the most sensitive enemies the bloodlust is minimized and directed somewhere else to keep the target confused. There is a downside to this as Ashborn is not able to use any kind of energy skill when the stealth is in use. 

Ruler's Authority: This is the highest form of the base skill known as Telekinesis. This skill is a of cosmic level allowing him to manipulate anything with his mind. This gives him a sub-division of skills such as cosmic awareness, and cosmic knowledge.

Matter Manipulation: This a skill that comes into existence when Ashborn uses both Ruler's Authority and Cosmic Radiation at the same time. The Ruler's Authority is buffed up with Cosmic Radiation that allows Ashborn to manipulate matter at will at whatever scale he desires.

Breath of Destruction: As the name suggests this ability this breath is energy compressed to far unimaginable scale and then released. The result is a breath that destroys Protons of atoms in its paths. 

Roar Of Death: This is a roar that Ashborn can do when he reaches deep within his soul and roars with the entire might of his soul. This roar attacks the opponent's soul breaking their morale that leads to weakening them physically. All that are weaker than Ashborn will have their will overcome by Ashborn's filling them with panic, fear, hopelessness, and despair.

Shadow Extraction: Ashborn can extract the shadow and pieces of the soul of the death allowing him to add them to his Undead Shadow endless army.

Shadow Senses: This allows Ashborn to put his five basic senses to his shadows whenever he is having them follow something or someone.

Shadow Preservation: This allows Ashborn to store his army in his shadow allowing him to have them near him at all times.

Shadow Regeneration: This allows the soldiers in Ashborn's army to immediately come back when destroyed as they are shadows. Whenever Ashborn's soldiers get destroyed they gain measure too this countermeasure can be copied by Ashborn onto himself but the army doesn't gain any countermeasures from Ashborn if he wants his army to have a resistance to something he has to consciously put the resistance in his army. This consumes energy depending on the damage the army took

Monarch's Domain: This is an ability that allows Ashborn to connect and control all darkness in the material world or physical existence. Then cosmic radiation acts as a buffer and adds extra damage. This means that the power of Ashborn's army is increased to such a point that they don't need the energy to regenerate but rather use the darkness in the domain to do so. That means this is now an army that has infinite stamina and can fight as long as the domain is active. This means that Ashborn has more energy to use always him to fight longer along with having the domain opened for a longer period. 

Now everyone may be wondering how his being functions, Does he use cosmic radiation as a source of energy? Well, the answer to that is a...NO.

Ashborn had a unique way of generating his energy. It is a technique called spin. Yes you heard correctly "THE SPIN"

Ashborn in his chest has something called the Black Heart. It is one of the elements that allow him to produce energy. How so it is a special way of having the Black Heart in the center and rather than an actual heart it is more of a circular ball-like core that Ashborn uses a bit of his energy to spin the core and the energy forms a ring around the core. Once the core is kick-started by the user's energy it takes in the familiarity of the energy and produces more of it. Giving him limitless energy.

(Only putting complete status so the story is not removed)

(Ashborn lore in the next chapter)

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