Chapter 9

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The sun was coming down and Godzilla returned to the shores of the monster island. She stretched popping her neck in place. She made her way to Mothra's nest. She yawned tired from patrolling all over the world. It was a bit peaceful since the humans didn't try to fight her when they saw her. They looked very scared however even if the humans didn't attack she didn't want to take any chance since her nemesis was on the monster island even if she and other space kaiju wouldn't do anything under Ashborn's order she could never be sure. 

Ashborn...The name made her face heat up. Last night was fresh in her mind. She would never admit to anyone that she enjoyed it. 

Mothra: My~ What got you blushing?

Godzilla snapped out of her little world hearing the voice. She saw Mothra sitting around a round wooden table with a wooden cup in her hands.

Godzilla: Where did that come from?

Bellion: I built that.

Godzilla turned around surprised to hear the voice.

Godzilla: Bellion!

Bellion: Greetings. Would you like some tea?

Godzilla: I'll pass on that. What are you doing here?

Bellion: Miss Mothra here is one of the oldest Kaiju on the planet. No offence.

Mothra: None was taken.

Bellion: Miss Mothra is someone I can hold a conversation with other than my Lord or my comrades, So I have decided to do so.

Mothra: Godzilla you won't believe how fun it is to talk to someone like mr Bellion who knows so much about the universe!

Bellion: Please you flatter me. My knowledge is but a speck compared to my Lords. He told his first breath only moments after the universe took its.

Godzilla: That's pretty cool. Anyway, I am here to pick Jr up.

Mothra blinked and looked confused.

Mothra: I thought Jr was with you since she didn't show up today.

Godzilla: What?!

The queen of the monsters panicked. With so many enemies over here anything could have happened to Jr. Just as she rushed out of the cave Bellion called her.

Bellion: Calm yourself there is no need to worry.

Godzilla: What do you mean not worry?! It's my daughter we are talking about! Anything could have happened to her!!

Bellion: She is with my Lord.

Godzilla froze before she sighed in relief. Bellion raised an eyebrow at her.

Godzilla: Sorry. I was just worried.

Mothra: It's ok. We understand.

Bellion: While your concern is justified. There is no need for it. My King has taken your daughter under his wing. Nothing in the entire universe can come even close to harming her.

Godzilla: I'll take my leave.

Godzilla walked away. She felt a little embarrassed that she became frantic so quickly. As she walked back, she felt slight guilt from doubting Ashborn's words. 

X: There she is.

Godzilla snapped out of her world and looked forward. Monster X walked towards her with Ashborn walking beside her. Jr was sleeping in his hand hugging his thumb cutely. The two stopped in front of her.

Ashborn: I heard you were worried for the young one.

Godzilla blushed slightly.

Godzilla:'God damn it Bellion!'

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