Chapter Seven

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"Absolutely not!" Kye roared as I explained to him Harry's proposition.

My brothers and I were sitting at the dining room table; the four of them sat the opposite side as I delivered the message Harry had sent. They all had looks of absolute anger painted on their faces; dark eyes, clenched jaws and furrowed eyebrows. I didn't dare look up to meet their angry gazes, instead the dark wooden table was much more interesting.

"What were you thinking, Emerald? Getting into a car with scum like him?!" Dylan growled, slamming his fist into the table. My body jolted with fear.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't h-have a choice" I stuttered, still avoiding eye contact. My hair cascaded over my cheeks, hiding my face from view.

"Look at me." Kye sternly ordered. I raised my head to look at Kye, making sure my hair was covering my neck where Harry had left a mark. His mark.

"Move your hair." Kye continued to instruct. I raised my hand to move my hair on the bare side of my neck, thinking fast. Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Other side" Dylan demanded, pointing to the part of my neck I was desperate to hide. They're going to be furious when they see. I hesitantly moved my hand to the other side of my neck, pushing my long hair past my shoulder. All four of my brothers gasped at the same time, their eyes becoming even darker.

"I'll kill him" Dylan threatened, raising from his seat.

"He's fucking dead!" Beau agreed, following Dylan's actions.

"What the fuck is he thinking?!" Luke demanded, smashing his fist against the wall.

Kye's reaction is what frightened me the most; instead of yelling and screaming, he laughed. He remained seated, intently watching me as he laughed. I stared back into the eyes of my eldest brother, unsure of what he was thinking. Dylan walked around the table, bending down to look me in the eyes as I turned away from Kye.

"He didn't hurt you in any other way, did he?" He angrily questioned. I shook my head, staring into Dylan's bright blue eyes.

"No, Dyl. Nothing else." I softly smiled back, trying to defuse the tension in the room. My brothers had all agreed to tell Dad together, when I wasn't there. They didn't want me to see his reaction which would be ten times as bad as theirs.

"Dad's going to kill him" Beau matter-of-factly stated

"He's going to try" Luke corrected. "How many times have we tried to kill him? Doesn't want to die" He shook his head, sitting back down. Beau followed his actions; Kye was still watching me.

"What do we do now?" I questioned Dylan, concerned.

"We wait" He coolly replied, standing up and walking back towards my brothers, taking a seat next to Kye.

"For what?" I asked, feeling left out of their knowledge. As soon as the words left my mouth a loud smashing sound came from the room next door, followed by the sound of screeching tires driving away. I shrieked from the noise, only to have my four brothers run to my side.

"What was that?!" Dylan screamed as Luke wrapped me in a protective arm.

"I don't know mate. Better go and check it out." Beau responded, walking out of the dining room and into the lounge room. Sure enough, the front window was smashed. Little pieces of glass lay over the cream carpet, glistening in the moonlight. They reminded me of snow.

"What the fuck happened?" Luke growled as he pulled me closer.

"The window's smashed, dickhead" Beau jokingly teased Luke's silly question.

"Thank's for that, Captain Obvious" Luke joked back, releasing me from his hold as I walked into the lounge room. "But how?" He questioned.

The small pieces of glass crushed easily under my feet and I found myself thankful that I hadn't taken my shoes off. I wandered around the room as my brothers watched me, talking among themselves. I found it strange that Kye wasn't speaking; he was usually the one who took control in times like these. I shrugged and continued my inspection of the room. I gasped as I found a medium-sized rock hiding behind the extravagant red couch. I bent down to inspect the rock further; I realized a note was tapped to the hard brown surface.

"Boys, I think I found what smashed the window" I timidly informed my brothers, standing up to show them the rock.

"Is that a note?" Dylan asked, walking towards me. I nodded my head in reply.

"Well what does it say?" Beau questioned, walking behind Dylan with Luke. My small hands shakily unwrapped the note from around the rock, unfolding the paper and glancing at the words. My heart started beating faster and my breathing became irregular. He had done this. He knew where I lived even though we purposely kept it a secret for safety.

"Read it out loud, Princess" Luke instructed. Three of my brothers stood in front of me; Kye stood at the back of the room leaning against the wall, watching intently. I inhaled a shaky breath before reading what he had written in perfect cursive.

"Hide and I'll find you. Run and I'll catch you. Give Emerald to me and we call off the war. If not, prepare for things to get a lot worse. I won't stop until she's mine. Harry." I read out loud, my voice shaking. Dylan, Luke and Beau looked furious; Kye looked amused. I just stood there terrified.

"What does this mean?" I inquired, blinking back tears. Kye kicked off the wall and walked towards me, cupping my face in one of his hands.

"Princess, this means war"

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