When The Winner Becomes The Loser

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The Story Begins on the Present Day Challenging Blacklist Rival #15

The Racer meets up with the blacklist rival named Razor the two bet on there cars who ever wins the race gets the opponents car.

And the race began. Razor and the Racer suddenly started getting chased by the cops and the both lost the cop while going on the highway the intense Race was about to end but suddenly kea calls the racer

Kea: hey there's something wrong with your ride, you left a huge oil's leak at the start line you have to end the race fast.

Flashes backs

Six Days ago
Entering Rockport City

The Racer enters Rockport and speeds up and the racer meets a Red Mazda RX-8 both of them speeds up entering the city suddenly there a red light and both stopped but there's a cop suddenly stop in front of them and the mazda rx-8 rans away and the cop only targeted the m3 owner and the cop was Sergeant Cross.

Cross goes up to the M3 to meet the Racer.
The Racer goes face to face with cross

Cross: oh man did you picked the wrong street to run on... This.. Is a nice car gauges,shifter,wheel is this all for show or is something there's something i should know about? Let me tell you whats about to happen were gonna take your car, tear apart and See's if its street legal. Street racing in Rockport is finished. Now get out of the car *radios something to Cross

Radio: alot of street racer is racing we need immediate back up

Cross: next time you wont be so lucky *scrapes the racer's paint job in his m3 and cross goes away

Four days ago
Cruising the streets
Looking for a race

The Racer meets Ronnie McCrea and the races begins
The racer goes full on he got the perfect launch control while using nitro the opponent couldn't keep up and suddenly the Racer found out there's a sharp turn so he slows down and did a great job turning to the left he founds out his opponent is suddenly getting near him but the racer will not give up and wins the race.

Both ron and the racer goes to the all blacklist rival meet up point and the it was The racer meets his nemesis Razor Callahan and there it was the racer meets Kea Cityreciever and she was the owner of the mazda rx-8 and Toru Sato challenges the racer

And the race begins and the racer smokes toru and the racer meets another 3 racers and easily wins the race and the final race begins with razor

Back again in the present day
Challenging BLACKLIST RIVAL #15

The intense race begins and The Racer is winning but suddenly kea calls him

Kea: hey there's something wrong with your ride, you left a huge oil's leak at the start line you have to end the race fast.

And this is was heartbreaking to the Racer

The racer stops the car and there it was Razor won and tooks the racer's m3 the m3 gets towed away and the racer was upset and couldn't talk and suddenly cops comes and arrested the racer

Some time later

Kea bails Racer

Kea: he set you up and guess whats worst he's the number 1 blacklist and used your ride to get there, and you need your self a new car.

Now this is the beginning starts

*thank you for reading this watch the video want to find what really happened i just did a repharse and cuts something welp i hope you like it ill make a new one called "the beginning" thank you again*

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