The Departure of the Commander

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Far far away,In one of the Galaxy there's a planet been ruled by a Fascist Surviver Faction which it was build from a Garrison to A Faction called The Imperial Republic Of Nebesnyy Drachen or know as TIROND

TIROND Are ruled by the Emperor of the Faction himself, And his's Empresses which will be introduce later through the story


A man sitting is his throne which is the Emperor of TIROND, Bonnie

And Infront of Bonnie,there's a man kneeling down to his knee at him

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And Infront of Bonnie,there's a man kneeling down to his knee at him

"Emperor.... what's the reason that you call upon me..?" The man asked towards Bonnie

"I've call you here because I have a special mission for you...."Bonnie responded while he stand up before Bonnie use his «Reality Manipulation» to summon a file which been label classified as Bonnie walk towards the man and he said "On your feet...."

The man Nod his head before he stand up and look at Bonnie

Bonnie hand over the file towards the man "Your mission will begin when you have arrive to the coordinates that I have gave you"

The man take the file before he open it and begin to read the information that's in the file
"Emperor....This mission isn't for me" the man stated while he look back at Bonnie "This is a mission for Specialist Rank sir...I am a Commander Rank " the man continue

Bonnie smile a bit before he place his hand on the man shoulder "There's a reason on why I pick you for this Mission" Bonnie calmly responded "Now then...You Spacecraft is getting ready by Bismarck" Bonnie stated before he walk away

The man sigh before he make his way to the port of TIROND Spacecraft "Is okay Hisashi....The Emperor trust in you for this Mission "The man said to himself while walking, Hisashi Midoriya is the name of the man

The Emperor trust in you for this Mission "The man said to himself while walking, Hisashi Midoriya is the name of the man

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Hisashi is a Commander Rank in TIROND command

At TIROND Spacecraft Port

Hisashi reach at the port before he been approach by a dark hoodie figure and wearing a full mask

"Your mission gonna be awhile Commander Hisashi" The figure stated

Hisashi turn his attention towards the figure before he salute "Sir Raven..."

This is Wolf,He is an Specialist Rank with Codename Raven

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This is Wolf,He is an Specialist Rank with Codename Raven

"At Ease soldier...." Wolf requested while putting his own hand at his back

Hisashi stop saluting before asking
"Where will be my ship sir?"

Wolf look at Hisashi before he respond "Didn't The Emperor tell you commander..."

Hisashi remember Bonnie words "Right....Sir Bismarck is the one preparing it"

"You better go now.." Wolf stated before he walk away

Hisashi nod before he go towards a specific spot and a man can be seen doing some inspection at a spacecraft.Hisashi approach the man before he salute at the man
"Sir Bismarck"

IRN Bismarck a top two of the Warrior rank position which on the same position with the Specialist Rank

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IRN Bismarck a top two of the Warrior rank position which on the same position with the Specialist Rank

As Bismarck look at Hisashi "At ease" He requested

Hisashi stop saluting at Bismarck " want me fly in this thing?"He asked while pointing at the Spacecraft

Bismarck laugh a bit while shake his head "No....You will be flying that" He responded while pointed a spacecraft that's can be seen right behind Hisashi

As Hisashi turn around to see the Spacecraft which make him make of expression of Happiness

Hisashi smile before he Walk towards the Spacecraft and begin to admire the design "This is now a nice Ride" Hisashi said to himself

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Hisashi smile before he Walk towards the Spacecraft and begin to admire the design "This is now a nice Ride" Hisashi said to himself

Bismarck walk towards Hisashi before giving him a device "Here is you power implantation... Think the power you get is according to your inner stab this into your body" Bismarck stated

Hisashi look at Bismarck before he take the device "Thank you sir.." Hisashi said his thanks before he entering the cockpit of the Spacecraft

"I wish you luck in your mission Commander Hisashi"Bismarck said before he walk away from the Spacecraft

Hisashi begin to close up the cockpit and powering up the Spacecraft,After that Hisashi begin to fly the Spacecraft to space before entering Jump through space

End of chapter 1

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