My Daily Routines

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-)Title = My Daily Routine
-)How Many Chapters? = 1 (For Now)
-)Name = Jason Mathew/20/7B

                        My Daily Routines

FRIDAY, September 1st 2023

Usually I wake up at 6:00AM to have breakfast and take a shower. Next I packing my lunch and my water so I could drink.

At 7:00AM I go to school and put my books and lunch in a compartment in my desk. Usually when starting school the whole class listen to silent reading, after reading we start our lesson.

After that lesson we take a break and eat lunch. After break we listen to chinese reading and sometimes on Friday we have a test how there are 2 (Minimal) people having a conversation in mandarin and also on Wednesday we do a silent reading test and how to do it is to connect a word to a incomplete sentence to a full sentence. After a couple of lessons, later we come to another break, after that I go through more lessons.

Finally I go to home. Next I take a shower, do some chores, have a little nap, after that I eat dinner and do my homework and go to sleep.

So That Was My Routine On Friday. Thank you for reading!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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