【O N E - I N C H M A N】

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  ''The galaxy never ceases to amaze.'' [Y/n] sighed with content, arms crossed behind her head as she leaned back in her assigned seat near Rocket. 

  Ever since she escaped the Kyln with the rest of them, her mind had always been on the galaxy. She never knew how beautiful it was until Rocket granted her the opportunity to fly all around the galaxy. Never with a set destination — unless they had a job. 

  Rocket noticed the way she looked at the galaxy. As if it were the most beautiful thing to ever lay eyes upon. And to her, it was. The way the stars went on forever and the different plants turned to small specs, just barely the size of her nose. 

  And he found himself shocked by the amount of times he kept staring. Not at the galaxy, no, but her. Even in the most uncommon of moments. And whether it was a peek when in battle, checking in if she was still up and not wounded, or a blank stare while sitting on the couch in the Milano.

  He stared at her like she stared at the galaxy. 

  Quill would call it 'some unspoken thing', as he's constantly repeated to the mammal. His words kept repeating in Rocket's head. Something about a feeling that Rocket hadn't understood quite yet. But in due time, he felt he would figure it out. What he needed was Quill to stop getting onto him about it. 

  His fur ruffled as he violently shook his head, paws rubbing at his eyes. Rockets words were mere murmurs as he tried getting the thoughts out of his head. ''I don't believe you.''

  [Y/n] turned to the mammal. Furrowing her features at his words. She couldn't tell if he was mad about something and was just hiding it. Or accusing her of stealing one of his weapons for her own personal use. 

  ''What do you mean?'' She questioned back, tail flicking beside the seat. 

  ''Back with the Sovereign.'' Rocket clarified, paws still rubbing at his eyes. ''You shivered and said you were cold. I doubt that.''

  ''Okay, so, maybe I wasn't cold.'' [Y/n] admitted, bringing her arms down to her lap. ''But I didn't get a good feeling from that place. You ever get that feeling?''

  Rocket pulled his paws away from his eyes, blinking to adjust quickly to the light around the room. ''Besides them being stuck-up shitbags, no I didn't.''

  [Y/n] leaning back again, she nodded. Rocket wasn't wrong, those people weren't the best. And could've given them a bigger reward for their troubles. Though Nebula had a pricey bounty on her head, it would be wasted fairly easily with their group. 

  A scanner beeped and Quill ran in, checking the screen. He hummed. ''This is weird, we got a Sovereign fleet approaching from the rear.''

  Gamora then walked in. ''Why would they do that?''

𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀. rocket raccoonWhere stories live. Discover now