Chapter two: Morning with mom

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"Lexi, what are you still doing?! It's already fifteen minutes past seven!" my mom yells from the living room.

"Coming" I say a little too hurriedly.

"I just want to put on my pad," I add and immediately cringe. I know there's technically nothing wrong about it, but me saying that out loud is just... somehow.

Like I said, unnecessary drama.

"Can't you speed it up?" my mom asks, her tone as strict as always. Sometimes I wonder if she's ever had military training.

"I'm done," I blurt while making my way down the stairs.

"Finally. You know you can't be late for school, right?"

Just so you know, that wasn't a question. She's just about to state her rules and why I musn't break them.

"You have to be at least one hour thirty minutes early for school, so you can study and prepare yourself for the day" she states and I desperately resist an eye roll.

I always feel the urge to tell her that she has repeated that exact statement countless times, but I know how it always turns out so it's wiser I stay silent.

"I know" I mutter indifferently. "Can I have breakfast now?" I add.

"Not today, young lady! You're already late for school and I can't let you waste one more second here," my mom says sternly.

"Mom," I grumble

"Lexi," she says, pulling me towards her.

"The drive to your school takes ten minutes, so you can't keep stalling, alright? I already packed it in your backpack, so you'll have it when you get to school."

"But..." I begin to argue, but my mom's not having it.

I absolutely hate having breakfast at school, surrounded by those weirdos called classmates. Breakfast means a great deal to me (that which I don't know why), and I hate having to skip it just to arrive at school by 7:30am when it doesn't even start until 9:00am! 

"Honey," my mom cuts in with a sweet voice.

Heads up: My mom hardly calls me sweet names so when she does, know she is dead serious. And when she calls me sweet names with a sweet voice... Beware! It means danger if you don't comply with her.

"I'd be on my way" I shrug (not obviously though).

"Good," she says triumphantly.

I grab my backpack from her a little aggressively, but thank God she didn't notice.

Even if she did, you can't blame me!

I turn to go, casting one final glance at her that silently communicates, "Thanks for ruining my morning".

"Don't forget that your test is coming up in three weeks. Make sure you study hard, and try to complete your art project before Friday, okay?" she says and I nod.

"Wait, what of dad? Isn't he going to work?" I ask turning back.

"He's upstairs getting ready for work. You should be on your way, now!" My Mom commands.

I know that lingering here instead of heading to school is enough to make my mom blow up, but I'm way too naughty, and pissing my mom off can be amusing at times. So, yielding to the devil inside me, I dare to ask:

"Mom, can I speak with dad? I need to ask him about the textbook he promised to get me" I say, putting up my sweetest smile.

PS: It's a lie. There's no textbook.

Instead of answering me, my mom just gives me a long and intense stare which clearly dictates: "Lexi, if you stay here for one more second, you're gonna regret it!!!" 

That's my mom, she doesn't have to say everything before you understand her.

As much as I'd love to stay and mess with my mom, I think it's best to go. My morning has been ruined enough and I don't need another round of scolding to add to it, so I opt to leave.

"Study hard for mummy, okay?" she adds.

I try so hard to resist the devil in me that wants to say: "Whatever... it's not like I give a fuck," but God still wants me on this Earth so he makes me keep quiet.

"And don't forget to take your vitamins once it's 12:00pm sharp" My mom pesters and I groan internally.

My morning has just gone from bad to worse. I hate being forced to take vitamins that tastes like spoilt milk, but mom says they help my brain remain sharp and focused. I really can't think of anything to say without offending my 'precious' mom, so I just nod in reply.

Anytime I use sweet words, it means the opposite. Take note.

Well, it appears the moment has arrived for me to commence my day in that inferno- Bells High. Thankfully, my mom gave me a headstart by graciously ruining my morning.

What could I do without her?!

I sigh and leave the house, jamming the door like it was my opponent in a wrestling match.

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