Chapter Six: I hate Chemistry!

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I head to my locker to prepare for my next class, History. After putting my History textbook in my backpack, I start heading to class but get stopped by Sydney, the red-haired introvert who has always tried to be my friend.

"Hi, Lexi," Sydney says with a smile.

Ugh, I really don't have time for this. I've told this pest clearly that I don't do friends, but she doesn't seem to get the memo. It's like she's always there, pestering me wherever I go, all in the name of trying to be my friend. And thanks to my unnecessary drama, it's even more unbearable than you can imagine!

I sigh deeply before responding, "What do you want, Sydney?"

"I just wanted to invite you to my younger brother's birthday party, coming up two weeks from Saturday," Sydney says nervously.

Oh Good Lord! Can't I just have a day without these weirdos coming my way?

I don't know how to respond, but seeing Sydney stare at me like her whole life depends on my reply is overwhelming. It's probably because she's an introvert and doesn't have other friends to invite.

But why me?

I plainly stated that I do not want to be her friend, or was my message not clear enough?! I'd better answer her soon or she'll collapse from nervousness.

Okay Lexi, give her a reply that clearly states you can't attend her party. A reply that's not too harsh.

"I would never be caught dead at your freak of a party," I blurt.

Oh no! What did I just say?

Blast! Blast! Blast! That wasn't what I intended to say, and once again, I have no idea where that came from.

After realizing what I just said, I look at Sydney and see a blank expression on her face. I can see the deep hurt in her eyes and how they're starting to tear up. She must be fighting hard to keep the tears from falling.

Thanks a lot, unnecessary drama!

I could have simply said no without hurting her feelings. Now she probably thinks I'm a heartless person or some kind of antisocial maniac.

Sydney stands frozen, seemingly rooted to the spot by shock. Sensing the tension, I decide to leave before she finally breaks down and draws unwanted attention.

"I have to go," I say, leaving Sydney standing by my locker, still and silent like a statue.

I hate being seen as someone who gives a 'don't talk to me' vibe, but my unnecessary drama only adds to that impression. Despite my efforts to put the incident with Sydney out of my mind, I can't shake off the memory of the pain in her eyes and how she fought back tears. She has always been very kind to me, even when I wasn't exactly friendly in return. It's a shame she had to experience my drama firsthand.

She might try to get back at me and upset me in return, but I highly doubt that. Sydney is too kind-hearted and wouldn't harm me or my things just because I upset her. She's a true sweetheart, and I would have liked to be friends with her, but hey, let my unnecessary drama take the blame.


The bell rings, signaling the end of History class. I head to my next class, Chemistry, which is set to begin in seven minutes.

I really hate Chemistry because it's a Science subject that shouldn't be mandatory for a Humanities student like me. However, due to my school's prestigious and academically-driven reputation (which I'm not completely convinced by), they made it mandatory for all students, regardless of their departments, to take Chemistry and Biology.

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