chapter 18

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??? Pov.

I was standing over the girl, and I couldn't get into her mind to torture her or to give her nightmares. The only thing that was stopping me, was this guy sleeping next to her.

Ryan? Wasn't it? As I was about to reach over and put my hand on his face, I got zapped away, making me growl.

"Curses" I said, seeing the protection necklace that Y/N had made for these three. I felt another presence appear, causing me to look over

"You and the girl made a deal" they said

"Yeah and" I replied, while crossing my arms

"That means you don't mess with these three, in fact you shouldn't be messing with her either" they told me, mentioning to the guys and then girl, then disappearing.

"And sometimes deals are meant to be broken" I said while looking back at Ryan's sleeping body. Thinking on how I could get to him.

"Whatever" I said and disappeared since it was almost morning.

3rd pov.

Y/N was the first one up, and as she was waking up. Y/N began to look around the room since, she heard voices in their room. Ryan was the next one to wake up, making her look at him

"Morning" Y/N greeted him, and went to her suitcase to get today's clothes out

"Morin" he greeted back, which was followed by a yawn

"Did you hear anything early this morning?" She asked him, causing him to think

"No I don't think so" he replied and sat up, then looked at her

"Why did you hear something?" He asked her

"I.. it's hard to say. But it sounded like two voice" I told him

"Well go shower and, I'll ask River and Wyatt, and see if they were up before we were up" he said, causing Y/N to nod her head and made her way to the bathroom, walked in, shut the door and locked it.

Y/N set her stuff down, and started her water. As the water began to heat up, she began to undress. Once she was fully undressed, she stepped into the shower and washed up.

"Who could of been in are room?" Y/N questioned as she washed up, as she was thinking about this. Ryan looked over at Wyatt and River, who were now waking up

"Good morning you two" Ryan greeted them

"Morning" they said at the same time

"Question for you two" Ryan asked while getting up and finding clothes to wear

"Whats up?" Wyatt asked, while him and River looked at him

"You two weren't talking earlier this morning did you?" Ryan asked them, which made them shake their head no

"No? Why?" River asked his twin

"Y/N heard two voices talking, and I thought it was you two" Ryan explained. The guys tried to debunk it, but they couldn't

"Maybe it was a spirit, trying to talk to her" Wyatt suggested

"Maybe" is all Ryan said. A little while later, Y/N came out dressed, but her hair wrapped up in her towel kinda drying it.

The boys watched her as she grabbed her phone and makeup bag, then walked back to the bathroom.

"I'm almost done,just give me a few minutes" Y/N told the guys

"Its fine, we don't gotta meet with the owners till noon" Ryan said with smile,Y/N smiled back lightly, walked back into the bathroom, shut the door and gave Colby a call. While she worked on her hair and make up.

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