Part 31

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Finn and Kol finally woke up.  Kol was the first to get up and attack Nik, only unlike Rebecka Kole stabbed him in the stomach.  I really wanted to react, but I know that they also need to have their time to talk.
"Hello brother, what do you need? Because there is no way you woke us up just because you feel like it." Kol said with hate in his tone.
"I woke you up because I miss my family brother."  Nik said.
"We are finally free."He added.
"What do you mean free Niklaus?"  Finn spoke for the first time, his voice was deep, it could be seen that it had not been used for a long time.  I feel sorry for him.  He was in the box the longest out of all of them, and was influenced by Esther the most, but I hope that will change now.  I will try to help him not to see himself as a monster, that none of them see themselves as monsters.
"I mean free brother, free of runing, free of hiding, free of him brothers." Nik said with happiness in his eyes.
"You mean to said that...." Kol didin't finish, it's was like he can't get the words out.
"He is gone?" Finn asked him.
"Yes brothers he is gone, me and Arabella killed him." Nik told them.
"We are finally free all of us." Elijah told them.
"I know you are angry brothers, and i understend you, but i had to do that, because if i didn't he whoud get us." Nik told them and they just look at him.
"I hate you Niklaus, you put me in there when i was with you, you and Elijah, and that hurts but i do understend brother." Kol told him.
"I am sorry brother, i am really sorry but i needed all of you to be safe." Nik said.
"And i am sorry too brother, for the part i played in your daggring." Elijah said to Kol. He was shocked, i think they never said sorry.
"You know what? I forgive you Nik, and you too Elijah, i don't agree with it but i do understend." Kol said.
"Now i am shocked, Nik said sorry. Arabella must have had somthing to do about that." Rebecka said with a smirk.
"And who is Arabella?" Finn asked.
"That whoud be Nik's beautiful wife." Rebecka said.
"Nik has a wife?" Kol asked shocked.
"Yes i was shocked to brothers."Elijah said.
"Thank you my darling family for having fate in me." Nik said sarcasticly.
"Yes Niklaus have a wife."Elijah said.
"And that whoud be me." I said coming closer to them.
"Well hello there." Kol said looking me up and down.
"Kol just because i miss you, don't think for a minute i will not hurt you again if you keep flriting with my wife." Nik said, his eyes changed, from lovely blue to dark yellow.
"Calm down baby." I told him, puting my hand on his sholder.
"Yes baby calm down." Kol imitate me. And that got Nik even more angry.
"Alright Kol stop, this women helped Niklaus soo much and we are going to respect her." Elijah told him.
"Hello Kol it great to finally meet you." I told him with a smile.
"It's great meeting you too sister, i am sorry for my acting, i was just messing around. I can see that you helped Nik change, and i am happy and grateful that you did that, that you helped him soo thank you." Kol said, and i can really see that he care for Nik soo much.
"I said Elijah the same think that i am going to said to you. There is no need to thanks me for anything, not you or any of your siblings. Because i am happy with him, and he help me get over some thinks in my life, so i will always be there for him. And there is really no need to thanks me Kol" i told him with a smile.
"I promise you that the same way i was there for him i will be there for all of you, because i can see that you need it, and i already think of you as parts of my family, of course if you don't have a problem with that." I said  to all of them.
"I don't, i already like you so it's okay with me." Rebecka said smileing, and hugs me.
"I already think of you as my sister." Elijah said with kind smile.
"I don't see why not, you maybe  can fix what has been broken for years." Finn said, and that really suprised me but i like it.
"I like you, you make Nik happy, you make him smile and that is something i haven't seen in a long time. Soo i don't have a problem with you being part of our family." Kol said.
"Even if any of you had any problem it whoudn't mater because she is my wife and my one and only, but it's good hearing you said all of that." Nik said with smile and eyes full of tears, happy tears.
"I am really sorry, for everything i did and i hope some day you can forgive me." Nik said and looked down in shame.
"We forgive you now Niklaus." All of them said at the same time. He look up and you cam see happiness in his eyes along with the eyes of his siblings.
All of them come closer and hug him. He huged them back, it's was really special moment. Family is finally together.
"Always and Forever." Elijah said.
"Always and Forever" They said at the same time.
"This is soo cute Bells" Caroline said to me. And in that moment all of them broke apart and look at her.
"Ammm" she got shy.
"Helloo i am Caroline?" She said but more like asked. I think it's time for more introductions.

I hope you like it, i am sorry i haven't post i have lot to do for school. I am sorry for any mistakes, and just to tell you i don't know when i will post because i am sick. I whoud really love if you told me what you think for now, and what whoud you like too see.
Lovee youuu ❤️❤️❤️

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