Chapter 10

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Chimwemwe's hand held mine as he pulled me through the thick crowd of people around us

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Chimwemwe's hand held mine as he pulled me through the thick crowd of people around us. I was pretty sure I couldn't feel the ground beneath me as we went along, constantly apologising for bumping into the people around me.

We were at a live music show in Kitalo City, watching as people covered the songs of well-known artists on the stage. Chi and I had just left the table he'd booked to go and find something to eat since the waiters making rounds were overwhelmed and wouldn't get to our table anytime soon. It wasn't hard to notice that Chi didn't let my hand go once we finally made it through the hot mess of bodies surrounding us.

"You okay?" he asked, the concern in his eyes searing my chest with feelings I couldn't quite comprehend.

"I'm okay." I said, smiling assuringly. "Is my hair okay?"

I'd chosen the wrong day to leave my hair hanging loosely over my shoulders. I probably looked a mess after a long day of visiting my mom, hanging out at Nella's place and now diving into a sea of people for food.

"It looks perfect, baby girl." Chimwemwe said as he chuckled and shook his head. "Let's go sit down."

We made it back to our table and I was relieved to finally be seated and able to breathe in fresh, cool air. The band began another song onstage and I pulled open my disposable container of food, the delicious smell of rice and deep fried fish hitting my nose and causing my stomach to growl in anticipation.

"This is soo good." I moaned after putting a forkful of rice in my mouth.

"I know right? The music is good too." Chi said, his head cocking towards the stage where a young lady did a rendition of Sade's Sweetest Taboo.

"It really is." I agreed. "This is the perfect way to wind down after the day I've had."

"Speaking of the day you've had, you've been all up in your head all day. Is everything okay?"

I sighed. "That's because I'm pretty sure I ran into my dad today."

Chimwemwe's jaw dropped immediately after I spoke, his eyebrows hiking up. "The dad that left when you were four?"

"The one and only." I chuckled awkwardly, not believing that I'd just spoken aloud the words that had been swimming around in my brain all day since the awkward drop-by at my mom's place.

"But you said you don't remember what he looks like. How do you know it's him?"

"I don't know for sure." I admitted. "Something in me just felt it."

"That's crazy, Aisha. Where did you even see him?"

"That's the crazy part. He'd gone to my mom's place. He was leaving when I arrived and my mom seemed really flustered that I was there."

"Who did she say he was?" Chi looked really stressed out, and I got it. If my assumption was correct, I could only imagine the drama that awaited my family.

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