Chapter 9 - Remembering the Past

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is it hot in here or is it just me?

I let go of Chris and stood up allowing myself to see what was happening.


"There's no back door..." I say. I'm more shocked than anything, I'd been in situations like this before, but that was when I was alone and wasn't surrounded by people that I care dearly about. I'm not really afraid, I do feel like I am extremely worried, yes, afraid, no. "Guys we have to go, there's a window in the broom closet just past the kitchen." I state, Brock starts running, followed by Aries while I help up Chris, who keeps fading in and out of consciousness. "Chris? C'mon we have to get out of here" I say straining my voice. He struggles to get up but eventually succeeds, And I give him directions on where to get out. "Chris I'll be right there I just have some important stuff I need to get" I tell him "Camille your going to get hurt!" he says, worry prominent in his voice "Don't worry Chris I'll be back in no time" I tell him. I see uncertainty in his eyes but he still heads off to the window. I run back to my room which luckily hasn't been caught on fire yet, and grab the duffle bag that I keep all the guns and weapons in. I grab it and quickly run out, dodging bits of flaming debris as I go. All I see is their faces in the fire, not Chris and them, no, my family, my old friends, because this happened to be the exact same way they died. Once I get to the window I shove the bag through and it lands on ground with a thump. I'm about to jump out myself, but a coughing fit and and a large wooden beam are there to stop me, filling more smoke into my lungs and burning my eyes, but I still kept going, jumping out of the window and grabbing the duffle bag, running to Aries, Brock, and Chris. I drop the bag in-front of them, and lay on the ground gasping for fresh air, all the smoke inhalation making me dizzy and a little light headed. "Are-you guys- hurt?" I say between gasps "We should be asking you that" Brock says "Don't worry i'm -perfectly fine, but these - weapons," I said patting the bag "were incredibly hard to find," I cough again my throat burning but probably from the smoke "I wasn't gonna let them burn" I say, they continued to speak to me but I didn't answer, all of what they said I was unable to make out, it all sounded muffled. I kept seeing the faces of my family and friends across my vision, "Camille? Camille!" Chris said his voice laced with fear and worry, all I could manage to get out was "I can see them Chris! my family and friends, I-I-I'm scared"

and then I blacked out...

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