Part 1

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So before i start i just want to say i've not really got any idea how im gonna be doing these fight scenes, i guess imma just go with the flow and i will also be referring to Gojou as Gojo because it's easier.

Following the defeat of Toji Fushiguro, Megumi was on his way back home from school before being confronted by a strange individual who had explained to him the superficial side of their world involving curses and sorcery "and you expect me to believe all that..?" the child Megumi hadn't had the chance to see curses before so all of this seemed just like a fairy tale to him.

Gojo smiled at his question, "you-" before being interrupted by an awfully familiar blade. The inverted spear of heaven, still attached to its chain, flew towards Gojo at a slower pace than when Toji had been using it but still fast enough to perhaps pierce even a grade 1 sorcerer. However to Gojo it was still plenty slow enough, and so it was merely stopped by his infinity. However not long after, he found out it was merely a distraction as a teen who appeared to be around the age of 14 fully clad with both the earth worm as well as the inverted spear of heaven now stood between him and the young Megumi. 'i couldn't even sense him coming, no, i can't sense him at all. just who is this kid?'

"You kids just keep reminding me of him more and more, so who exactly are you?" the boy, who stood not too much shorter than Gojo, holding the inverted spear of heaven which was now off the chain in a reverse grip slightly crouched down as if ready to pounce on Gojo at any given second.

"stand back Megumi, this man is more dangerous than he seems" the new teen, who appeared to already know the young Megumi  stated in a voice without emotion before yet again jumping at Gojo only to be met with a palm on his face before being thrown back a few meters past Megumi. "calm down now, if i was here for a fight, it'd be over already, so i'll ask again who are you supposed to be?" Gojo stated with an all too irritating smile. The new teen, now back next to Megumi standing in a defensive manner answered "Itadori Toji".

If the blade and the Worm hadn't already, that definitely struck a cord in Gojo. Since this meant Toji Fushiguro had appeared to have left out some important details in his final words. "right then itadori, how about you tell me your relation the old man Toji i know about, you know, relatively tall black haired dude not as handsome as me-" the newly introduced Itadori now sounded kind of irritated "he was, what you'd call my caretaker as well as my teacher".

Initially Gojo had been relatively confused, but now it made sense. Considering he could not sense any cursed energy from the kid even though the kid was as strong as a jujutsu sorcerer 'he must be under the same Heavenly Restriction as Toji Fushiguro, or at least very similar'. "i see, i see, it makes sense now why you possess his items as well as that worm" Gojo stated with an ever present smile "however it does not explain why you'd attack me"

Itadori waited a few moments to see if Gojo would attack, but after a half a minute stare down, stated "Teacher had told me before he left that he's going to be away for a few weeks on a very well paying mission, and so i took it upon myself to dig through some of his research, in which i happened to find out you were amongst the sorcerers protecting his target. The fact that the earth worm crawled back to me as well as your being here suggests he's either dead or locked up, but judging by your earlier conversation with Megumi, i'd assume he's dead".

"that's quite the good deduction!" Gojo all but shouted with a smile. "now hold on a second, Itadori-san, you know this guy?" asked the young Megumi. "There is no one involved in jujutsu sorcery that doesn't know about Gojo Satoru, the heir to the Gojo clan and the possessor of the limitless and six eyes". Itadori who was now stood up straight rather than his earlier crouched pose said, before jumping side to side off the surrounding houses in the alley and straight at Gojo aiming for a stab at his neck, which gojo had gotten ready to stop with merely his own hands, except that turned out to be a fake as Itadori instead went for a stab to his left lung, which just as his first attack, ended up being stopped by Infinity and so Itadori retreated once again

"i see, you're better than the files say. That explains why teacher lost". Initially Itadori had been confused at how his teacher had lost to a young adult only a few years older than himself, but this explains now. Either the information was falsified, or it was simply outdated. Itadori, who was now stood up asked "why do you not strike back?"

"i've already told you i'm not here for a fight, especially not with children. Though i'm not particularly against some disciplining, should this keep up, so how about we stop here" Gojo offered with a friendly smile, although from him it seemed almost mocking. And so it rightfully annoyed the ever living shit out of Itadori.

"i understand" Itadori, who now calmed himself down, decided to believe Gojos words and stored the inverted spear of heaven back inside the worm. "what is it you intend to do with Megumi?" Itadori wanted to be straight forwards with the conversation "what do you want from him after telling him about the world of jujutsu sorcerers?"

"well that's more like it now" Gojo once again in his happy mood said. "i'm simply fulfilling 'his last words', but i wasn't expecting any other guests. So how about you go ahead and explain yourself Itadori Toji" Gojo asked, still smiling.

"Megumi how about you go see Tsumiki-san for now and i'll come visit you after i'm done with him" Itadori asked Megumi, who listened and was off within a few seconds.

"now then i don't think i owe you a full explanation so i'll cut it short, at the age of 5 i was an orphan, cast out by my family and deemed a failure. I had no one or nothing to call my own so i made a living off pick pocketing for nearly a year before i made the mistake of attempting to pickpocket the man known as Toji Zenin, now Fushiguro" this earned him a snicker from Gojo but he was silence shortly by a glare "he noticed my unnatural speed amongst other things and theorised i may be the same or similar to him in regards to what sorcerers now call the heavenly restriction, this theory ended up being proven true not long after our initial meeting and i suppose seeing me the way i was cast out as a failure reminded him of himself, and so he offered to train me and help me survive in this harsh world. This was around 6 years ago"

'at only 12 years old he's already this strong? what kind of a crazy teacher was that old man' Gojo thought to himself "and so that brings us to today, now it's your turn. what do you want from Megumi"

"You were correct. I killed Toji Fushiguro, in his last words he explained his son was going to be sold off to the Zenin clan. Said to do what i want with that, and of course since i'm such a cool guy i've come to save Megumi from such a fate and have him enter jujutsu high instead" Gojo explained.

"I see. Although i appreciate you wanting to save Megumi from such a fate, i could've handled the situation myself, even if that means taking on the Zenin clan. Therefore you can leave now" Itadori said before turning his back and taking a few steps in the direction Megumi went.

"i'm afraid i can't do that, Megumi has potential, you must have seen it yourself. He isn't like you or that old man Toji, the kid has cursed energy. He will need guiding you won't be able to give him, and who better than The Strongest to have as his teacher" Gojo explained before letting his inflated ego take over yet again.

"Not to mention i can't have a second Toji like you running about, lest you become just like him and take up killing sorcerers as your source of income" this time he was dead serious, almost threatening even, which caused Itadori to take up a defensive stance almost beginning to reach towards the worms mouth to draw the inverted spear of heaven yet again.

"Now, i understand you have a bond with young Megumi and therefore, i've come up with an idea! I propose you also join him in attending jujutsu high!" however that threatening aura disappeared just as it came and Gojo was back to laughing like he was some genius to come up with that idea.

"i see, and what's there for me to gain in this?" Itadori questioned, "my six eyes allow me to see many things, and i've had two all out fights with the old man Toji and some experience in fighting without any cursed energy, i'm sure i'm plenty good enough to teach you too, after all i am the strongest"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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