3.New Heroes

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Eleanor:Niya we both know you like her.

Niya:Yeah, but what if she doesn't like me back. I mean I am a super villain. What if-

Mal:Don't overthink it or its not worth it.

Eleanor:I'm not even going to question that.

Mal:Then don't

Some people come in

Volt:Tiro you're under arrest!

Mal:oh come on!!

AWOL:This hideout is nice.

At the mans nest

Ray:Why is there only three of you

Miles:Mika got kidnapped, how? We don't know but we were hoping the tiro knows something

Boes:Wait that's the tiro?


Ray:Ok, tiro what do you know?

Mal:Why would we tell you?

Ray:Because if you don't, my fist and your face will meet, so are you going to tell us?

Eleanor: I think they said something about keeping her at the villain layer


Chapa:And how do we get there.

Mal:You need a villains hand

Miles:Can we talk for a sec. Ok how are we going to get a villains hand?!

Ray:We'll tell them that the other villains are trying to kill them or something.

Boes:But that's a lie.

Ray:They don't need to know, so repeat that question to them, k.

Miles:Ok tiro how do we get a villains hand

Ray:Well we have 3 right here to ask

Mal:First of all nope second no way!

Chapa:We'll throw you in jail

Niya:Suddenly we're helping.

Eleanor:first you should change your clothes.

They change into "villain outfits" (like the ones in the episode villains night)

Niya:Now come on we don't have all day.


Mal:How are we going to get in there if you three keep acting like heroes!

Eleanor:We could teach them.

Ray:We are not getting teached by kids

Miles:But it will help us get in.

Ray:Fine.. so how do we 'act' like villains

Sorry this one is short to but idk how I'm gonna write the next chapter so I'm more focused on that, again sorry

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