Mystery Girl

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~Who Is She?~

      This was the first time I've ever seen this girl in the hallways of Hilton highschool. She looked mysterious. She was in her own world. Her name? I don't know. I'm just going to call her Mystery Girl. It's like everyone knew her though. All except me. How could I never notice her? Does she know who I am?

      I saw her in the hallway again. I plucked up the courage to say hi. She said "Hey Deen" in response. So she does know my name. I need to find out who she is. My Mystery Girl.

      In my next class. Math. I had to find out who she was. I asked Grayson. One of my closest friends and all he told me was that she had been going to this school since Pre-K. That didn't help. He didn't even tell me her name. I need to find out who this girl is before I embarrass myself in front of her.

      I asked my cousin Kizia. I barely described her and she knew exactly who she was. "Her name's Mae. Her mom's the math teacher. How did you not know that?" I rolled my eyes. "How would I know that? So her name is Mae Heim?" I looked confused. Nobody that I know has just Mae as a name. "No. She just goes by Mae. That's her middle name. Her last name isn't Heim though" I looked a little surprised "What is it then?" "Leak"

      I spent the rest of class thinking about Mystery Girl. Why doesn't she have her mom's last name? Is the math teacher her real mom? How come I never noticed her before? Does she have any siblings? These questions ran through my mind all day.

      The bell finally rang and I saw her again. I ran up to her. "Hey" I said with a smile. She looked up at me. I almost fell into those ocean blue eyes of hers. "Hey Deen" *she smiled. Her teeth were as white as they could possibly be. "You going to the football game tonight? It's the last game of the season" she looked at me and thought for a second "Yeah. I go to all of them" That made my mind race. Who is she there to see? Why is she so calm? It's not like I've ever talked to her. It's like she knows my whole life story.

      "I'll see you there then I guess" "I said then walked off awkwardly. I just made things awkward. I walked to my last class of the day. Science.

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