Football Game

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~Is That Her?!~

     I was in the locker room getting ready for the game. We usually run out onto the field though this big blow up thing.

      I could hear the cheerleaders and band. We ran through. Everyone cheered loudly as we ran through. I looked up in the stands. I didn't see her. She isn't a cheerleader, so I looked in the student section and everywhere else I could see from the field except for the band. I don't think she's in the band. She doesn't seem like that kind of girl.

      I saw my mom and siblings in the stands cheering. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Grayson "You looking for her?" her said. "Yeah. I don't see her anywhere. Do you?" "Yeah" he pointed to the band. "She's close to the top in the trumpet section" Grayson said. She was looking straight at me. "How do you know this?" I looked over at him confused "I play saxophone" "Ohhh, yeah. Sorry I forgot" I looked back at her.

     I smiled and waved. Some people in the stands were confused at who I was waving at. She waved back with a big smile on her face. She was holding her trumpet in one hand and waving at me with her other.

~Ater The Game~

     She was still with the band. They were leaving to go out there instruments up. We had just finished the game and we won of course. I ran up to the fence that was closest to her (there's a fence then a walkway in-between it and the stands).

     She jumped down off the bleachers with her trumpet in hand. "Hey! You did awesome! You were like the flash compared to everyone else!" She said exitedly and she stood at the other side of the fence. "If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have won. You're like my lucky penny" I said with a big smile on my face.

     Mae turned to look at all the other band kids walking towards the band hall "I've gotta go, but see you tomorrow?" "Yeah, see you tomorrow" I said smiling like a little boy


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