Chapter Three

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"North Pacific Ocean Flight 119, boarding in ten minutes..."

Already? Jeeze, can't even get a good break in these days.

It annoyed Clarice. So many work hours, so little time for something as refreshing as a simple cup of coffee. Having debts to pay and hellish hours to work had been draining the life from her since she'd first wrapped up school and gotten her gig flying planes for a living. It was fine enough work, that alone didn't bother her, what really drove her crazy was the way the airlines seemed to think its crew were emotionless automatons that could pull twelve hours nonstop without complaint.

Frankly, she was amazed she was even still sane at this point.

"Can't be helped though," she mumbled, downing the last refreshing drop of her caffeinated beverage of choice. Soon she would be off the ground, the only think keeping the flying hunk of metal and circuitry that constituted a plane from nosediving into certain oblivion.

"Wouldn't that be a load off my back. The big dirtnap is sounding awful tempting right about now..."

"Hey, Clarice, something's come up," she heard her co-pilot say, freshly returned from a quick smoke break. "We're getting an Air Marshal. Higher ups said something about last minute information regarding a potential security risk."

"You're pulling my leg?!" She got up, trashing her coffee mug and making herself look a bit more presentable. "Last time I checked, airliners don't just throw an Air Marshal on a flight that's ten minutes from departure. What the hell is going on Blake!?"

"Hey, don't look at me, I don't get it either..." he sighed as she followed him over to a small little gathering of the other on-flight staff. "All they said is something about 'unusual circumstances' and dropped advice about not asking too many question."

"Well, that's reassuring," she said, her tone as sardonic as her mood was soured.

"I think you're putting it a bit generously," he spoke as the pair took their spots in the small gathering, "I gave my wife and kids a quick call just in case. Probably... no... definitely just being paranoid about this, but if some real serious business goes down, I wanna make sure they know I love them in-case I don't get another chance. I suggest you do the same."

"Thanks, but no thanks," she said, shivering at the thought of talking with any of her relatives. She didn't hate them per say, she just didn't care enough to open up that can of worms unless someone was literally on their death bed. And even then, who knows...

It only took a few minutes for the law enforcement agent to walk in, carrying the composed dignified air of a civil servant, all while dressed up like he was a salaryman about to have his day in court. He was bald headed, bespectacled, and had a carry on briefcase by his side, no doubt containing his service pistol.

"Hello there. I am Air Marshal Kaleb Jones. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances, though I wish it were under more traditional circumstances." He said, pausing his introductory spiel briefly to take off his glasses, idly wiping the fogged up lenses with a rag he withdrew from his coat pocket.

"I'll be frank with you all, there is good reason to believe that a dangerous individual has made their way onto the plane, a real piece of work if my colleagues in traditional law enforcement have hedged their bets right. I can't give you all the details, and I personally think this is for the best. Just rest assured that there is no reason to suspect the plane itself is in any immediate danger, this is more just a precaution to ensure the safety of the passengers and observe the individual in question for potential signs of wrongdoing. That is all."

He put his glasses on, rubbing his scalp with nervous energy. 

"Please do remember this though, if any of you see something suspect, don't hesitate to inform me."

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