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September 2014
Sarah came round so got caught up in endless murder plots for Ian's other half.

June 2015
We're also seriously talking of getting rid of her opponent. I agree is probably a good play... she does seem to be a totally evil bitch.

August 2015
Wow, I may get to be instrumental in helping remove the awful woman! This may happen. Wow!... Am unexpectedly excited by it. Was so buzzing so much I needed a Southern Comfort to wind down a bit.
A lot of texts from Sarah, Kev (Kitt's ex-husband) not going for the idea of being a hitman after all, scuppered that idea. Plan B will be needed.
When my mobile went off, Sarah, So I could say yes to her coming round and we could plot to take the bint out as Kev was a bust on it, I'm going to be involved now, Heaven help me!!
I have no moral qualms, just a serious don't let us get caught twinge.

September 2015
Sarah's had an idea that would spare me the anxiety as she things [sic] of just riding on a motorcycle, killing and leaving said floosy [sic] and riding off. I just have to clandestinely train Sarah to ride a bike and store said bike.*
Sarah turned up. Caught Hunted (Channel 4 television show). Then discussed plans to off the cunt

December 2015
I said no matter what her way of testing the bitch, then she (Sarah) could do with that zapper or she risks being injured herself.
So will get a trip to Germany out of this. Took ages to wind down, all the excitement of plotting the perfect murder.

October 2015
Just buzzing too much over the end of Hunted and all the planning after. Sarah has ordered a GPS tracker on my credit card to be delivered here and will give me cash for it. That's fine as I'm not going to be involved at the sharp end.
* On considering whether to teach Sadie to ride a motorbike in order to run Sadie over and blame the murder on ISIS terrorists

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