Chapter 4

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I'm at the cafeteria again. Or, better said, on my way to it. I'm alone this time. the hood from my black hoodie is on, my brown hair in a bun, my ears covered with headphones. The beige skirt and black boots match the look. I am also wearing black ankle-long knitted socks, tucked inside my boots.

I am trying hard not to think about anything as a voice interrupts me.

"There she is, Wrencore's newest gossip."

I know that voice. Yet hoped I never had to know it.

Tessa Long, one of the most popular girls at Wrencore and not the biggest fan of me and my besties, is looking at me with a mischievous grin on. She hated us before because she used to be called most-pretty, yet then Soph arrived and my bestie got that title. Tessa got even more pissed at us when Caden, her ex, got together with Nini. That they started out as a deal she made is the second part, but she still hates the fact Nini and Caden realized they are soulmates and each other's true love. Hate that the two are happy.

And now she decided to make my life miserable.

I ignore and keep walking. She follows me. I tug my hands in my sleeves and clench my fist when she doesn't notice.

Countertop. Bed.

"Oh, Lydia, we were talking", she says, catching up with me and walking next to me. I swallow hard.

"We weren't", I find the strength to say.

She chuckles. "Oh yes, we do. I thought you were boring before, but I must have underestimated you." I freeze and raise an eyebrow. She smirks deviously. "I mean, I didn't think you would be the cheater type. Poor little Leo. What, you didn't like guitar guys? Wanted a hot Spanish hottie, am I right?" She winks at me.

I almost throw up.

Wait, what?! I cheated on Leo?

"What are you talking about?", I hiss through my teeth.

"Oh, you know. Leo told us about your little Spanish adventure. He said you cheated on him. How sad." She laughs at that. It sounds more like a threat than a laugh.

"I did not-"

"Tell that to the broken hearted guy who...", she wants to say but is interrupted by a very familiar voice.

"Tessa, what the heck do you think you're doing?"

I turn around and see Soph, coming together with Alec, who is holding his hand on her waist.

Tessa winks: "Having a little chitchat with Wrencore's newest celebrity." Soph raises an eyebrow. Alec sends Tessa death stare. The girl continues: "I mean, she was just telling me about her little adventure in Spain."

Soph freezes. For she know the truth about what happened in Spain. Countertop. Hands. Bed. Wrists. Wardrobe. Red. Black.

"Tessa", Soph begins her tone unlike anything I have ever heard. It's sharper than blades. Alec backs her up: "I'll be very careful what I'd say next if I were you. Wouldn't want to ruin that look by adding a few broken bones to the picture."

I swallow hard knowing he actually means it. Tessa only laughs hysterically looking at my bestie: "Wait, I forgot. The 'it' girl of Wrencore. Doesn't even have the strength to insult on her own, needs little mister boyfriend for it. Pathetic."

Even Darrel, Soph's bodyguard who is in her shadow places his hands in the pockets at that, ready to probably pull out a weapon. Alec is so close to murdering Tessa on sight. Soph stops them both with a head shake.

"Tessa, I give you five seconds to get the fuck away from Dia before I ruin you. I'll ruin you. So leave my bestie alone and get lost", Soph says.

Tessa chuckles as she walks down the hallway. "It's not me you should worry about", she shouts back at us. "You keep calling me a bitch, Sofia, when you're calling the actual one your best friend."

I shake at that.

Countertop. Bed. Red. Black. Green.

Soph flips her off in return and rushes to hug me. "Are you alright?", she asks me, letting me sink my face on her shoulder.

Am I alright? No. I guess I have never been alright. Never. Never in my twenty years. But at least it felt like I was surviving before. I wonder if I am doing that now.

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