Chapter 34

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Although puzzled in her heart, since she had promised, Lu Xi had no choice but to send another message to Teacher Song, requesting another day of extension.

Before leaving, Lu Xi added a sweater to her coat.

Xia Weiwei shivered in the wind as she followed beside her, "Xiao Xi, are you still living with your brother Wen?"

"For now," Lu Xi replied.

Lu Xi laughed, "Not to that extent, the one I'm least familiar with is my uncle."

Lu Xi chatted with Xia Weiwei for a while, worried about Wen Qingmo's condition, afraid that he had already gone back without calling her. Then she left the school and took a taxi directly to the villa.

Just as she entered, Lu Xi saw a pair of shoes placed at the entrance, with a suitcase next to them.

Wen Qingmo had actually returned! Lu Xi startled, looked up, there was no one in the living room, but the door to Wen Qingmo's bedroom was open.

Lu Xi changed into slippers and walked quickly over. The curtains in the bedroom were drawn, and the room was dimly lit. Wen Qingmo was silently curled up on the bed, without a blanket, wearing a black suit, and even his tie was not undone.

"Big brother?" Lu Xi was startled and quickly sat down by the bed, gently patting his shoulder, "Wen Qingmo?"

Wen Qingmo clearly hadn't fallen asleep. He opened his eyes in response and moved his body slightly, "Lu Xi."

As soon as he spoke, his voice sounded hoarse, as if it had been rubbed with sand and gravel.

"Big brother, you really caught a cold, didn't you?" Lu Xi expressed her concern.

He still didn't admit it on the phone.

Wen Qingmo weakly said, "Yes."

"Is it because of the recent change in weather? Is it serious?"

Lu Xi touched Wen Qingmo's forehead, then paused, surprised by her own naturalness, as if she had done this countless times before. She couldn't help but glance at Wen Qingmo, afraid that her actions would make him uncomfortable. But to her surprise, perhaps due to feeling unwell, Wen Qingmo didn't react at all, motionless, like a docile white fox being stroked by its owner.

"It's not a severe cold," Wen Qingmo said, his chest rising and falling, coughing a few times. Then, as if triggering something, Wen Qingmo suddenly tightened his body, his back arching like a taut bowstring, his expression becoming pained. A muffled groan escaped from his lips, "Mmm."

It was only now that Lu Xi noticed that Wen Qingmo had been tightly clutching his abdomen since earlier. A thought came to her mind, and she asked with concern, "Is your stomach hurting?"

Wen Qingmo nodded, his face filled with hidden endurance.

"Did you take medicine?"

Lu Xi took a tissue from the bedside table and gently wiped the cold sweat off Wen Qingmo's forehead.

"I took it in the morning."

"Take another pill later," Lu Xi said.

Judging from Wen Qingmo's condition, Lu Xi estimated that his weakened state was due to traveling for work and menstrual cramps, and then catching a cold because of the change in weather.

How pitiful.

If it were her, she would have been unable to function. Yet Wen Qingmo had managed to keep going for so many days.

However, the only thing that puzzled her was. . .

Although Wen Qingmo's reason for being in heat was mentioned on the phone, Lu Xi, as an alpha, did not feel that Wen Qingmo was in heat in the short time just now.

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