Chapter 55 Extra Five (One Update)

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Lu Xi was awakened by a noise beside her.

Since Wen Qingmo became pregnant, her sleep has become shallow, and she wakes up at the slightest movement.

Lu Xi reflexively turned on the small lamp on the bedside table. The light illuminated the cold sweat on Wen Qingmo's face. His lips were pale, and he tossed and turned uncomfortably. He seemed to want to bend down, but his swollen belly hindered Wen Qingmo's movements.

"Cramping?" Lu Xi said, skillfully pulling back the covers. Wen Qingmo's calf was spasming uncontrollably. She reached out and massaged his heel, stretching it back.

"Don't, it hurts," Wen Qingmo let out a painful groan. He struggled violently but was held down by Lu Xi. "Endure it, I'll stretch it for a while, and it will get better soon."

Lu Xi was already well-versed in relieving cramps. She massaged Wen Qingmo's calf for a while, and the spasms gradually subsided.

"Still in pain?"

"Feeling better."

Wen Qingmo's sleepwear was soaked with sweat. He was panting heavily, his black hair disheveled, and his complexion not looking good. Lu Xi leaned over and gently pressed her lips against Wen Qingmo's, propping up the pillow and allowing him to half lean against the headboard, helping him along his chest.

In the later stages of pregnancy, Wen Qingmo often woke up in the middle of the night, sometimes due to cramps, sometimes simply feeling uncomfortable.

"I'll bring you some hot water to wipe off the sweat."

Wen Qingmo nodded, and Lu Xi got out of bed and quickly returned with a basin of hot water, with a towel draped over the edge of the basin.

Lu Xi was worried that he might catch a cold, so she closed the window tightly before sitting back by the bed and unbuttoning Wen Qingmo's clothes.

"Is the temperature okay?

Is it too cold?" Lu Xi soaked the towel in water and wrung it out, gently wiping it over Wen Qingmo's body covered in a thin layer of sweat.

"It's just right."

Wen Qingmo let out a sigh of relief, looking slightly more comfortable than before. Lu Xi helped him wipe his chest and back, naturally moving to his pregnant belly.

The stretch marks that were usually hidden under his clothes were now exposed to their gaze. He was fortunate that these marks were only faint and few in number, not severe. However, having these not-so-pleasant marks on his body still made Wen Qingmo feel embarrassed and ashamed.

Even though he was pregnant, Wen Qingmo still wanted to maintain his perfect image in front of Lu Xi.

Wen Qingmo carefully observed Lu Xi's expression. Lu Xi was earnestly wiping his sweat, showing no signs of anything unusual. Wen Qingmo breathed a sigh of relief and held Lu Xi's hand. "Xiao Xi, I can't sleep."

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

"Not hungry, I want to go out for some fresh air."

"Okay," Lu Xi agreed immediately. She smiled and brushed aside Wen Qingmo's slightly damp hair, speaking gently, "We'll go out for a walk once you've cooled down from sweating."

After taking maternity leave, Wen Qingmo's father suggested that he go to a quiet place to rest and take care of the baby, but Wen Qingmo decided not to go after considering it.

He preferred to stay in a familiar place, especially since Lu Xi's presence could be felt everywhere.

This made him feel at ease.

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