Chapter 13

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* Brooke's P.o.v *

The last thing I remember was me leaning against Chris while he whispers to my ear. So I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Fresh clean clothes folded neatly laid on the table next to me. Is this Chris' clothes? I thought. Meh. I need a shower anyway and I seriously do not want to go back to my house and get my clothes. Even if it's just a few metres away from Chris' house.

I quickly grab the fresh clothes next to me and head to the bathroom... which is like down the hallway I think? So I got out of the room and just go straight.

I pass a room and I could hear someone talking..

"And I'll see you and your beautiful faces next time..."

Chris? I stand outside the room where the voice is. The room is slightly open and I peer inside. Chris talking to a camera. What is he doing?

I give a few small knocks on the door and it made Chris jump.

I giggled by his reactions.

"Hey. You're awake. And you scared me" he says and put his hand to his heart.

"Well sorry. Why are you filming anyway?" I ask curiously.

"I'm...filming a Youtube video" smiling as he says.

"Interesting. I wanna see some."

With that, Chris takes his laptop from his desk, sits down next to me and I see a lot of videos in his channel

"Dang Chris. How many videos do you have?" I ask. Amazed by the number of videos he's made.

"Why don't you count it yourself?" He says and I push him lightly on the shoulder.

"Too lazy" I say and take his laptop to his bed. I watch it while laying on his bed. The first video I watch is his first video.

"Aww Chrissss you were sooo awkward. You were holding your crotch ALL THE TIME. HAHAH"

"Yea yea yea" he says. I could see his face, crimson red.

"Ooooh someone's blushing" I say with a smirk on my face.

Chris goes to my direction and hops onto his bed ( where I was laying ), puts aside his laptop and start to tickle me real hard.

"HAHHHHAAH STOP HSHHASHHSHHAHAH STOP IT.... STOP IT CHRIS" I say the last part more firmly and he lets go.

He is on top of me now. Our eyes meet. His eyes are ocean blue. I really like how his eyes change colours. His face inches against mine. I look at his lips, those soft lips of his that I kissed a few weeks ago.

I can't take it anymore. I grab his face by the jawline with both of my hands and pull his face down to mine. Kissing it passionately. He kisses back passionately too.

We break off the kiss 30 seconds later to catch our breaths and the most awkward thing just happened.

"Oops" Crawford who was standing at the door. Fake coughs and looks at the ground.

We quickly got off of each other.

"I should have told you this earlier. Crawford and I share the same bedroom." He whispers to my ear.

"Well I better go and freshen up myself" I quickly say to get out of this awkward situation. I grab the clothes that I put on the bed and head to the bathroom.

The hot water calms me. All the time. I thought about the kiss just now. Everywhere, everytime, whenever Chris is with me. I get butterflies flying around my stomach. Electricity going through my whole body. It feels good, the feeling of being loved. The fact that people in my school ( bullies ) used to call me all sort of things like ugly bitch, worthless whore, dumbass, fat made all the things that I'm having right now seemed impossible, like it was only just a dream. But here I am, girlfriend of Christian Josiah Kirk Collins. It all comes to my senses that you have to go through the worst to get the best. And for once, I actually love my life.

I get out of the shower and put on Chris' clothes. A sweatshirt and baggy shorts The clothes smell like him. Okay, that's just creepy that I smell people all the time. I quickly blow dry my hair and go out of the bathroom.

I go downstairs to get myself some breakfast. Pancakes. Yum yum.

"Good morning Brooke" Stacey greets me as she puts a couple of pancakes onto a plate.

"Here have some" she hands me the plate.

"Thank you Mrs. Collins" I smile and take the plate. It's been years since I last eat pancakes.

I join the rest of the family down on the table. I myself feel like I'm one of the members of the Collins family just by sitting down and eating with them.

"Hey Brooke. I know this might sound weird but... can I have your mom and Marcus's phone number? You know just in case." Chris sits down next to me says between bites of his pancakes.

"Ok..." I say and search for my phone. It's not in my pockets. I excuse myself from the table and go upstairs to the room that I slept in last night. Still not there. Where did I put it? Then I remembered. It's back in my own house. Urgh I don't want to go back there. But I have no choice.

I quickly finish my breakfast and tells the family that I'm going to go out for a few minutes.

As soon as I walk out of the house, Chris is running to me.

"You don't need to follow me, I'm just gonna get my phone in my house."

"I don't want anymore accidents to happen to you" he says as he put his arms on my shoulder.

"Well alright" I say and slowly open the door to my house. Since the door is lock, I search for keys underneath the 'welcome' mat and unlock the door.

My house is quiet, as usual. I make my way upstairs to my room and grab everything I need with Chris following me behind. As we get down, my mom is downstairs, crossing her arms.

"Well look who decided to come crawling back"

"I'm only here to get a few stuff"

She shakes her head and hands me an envelope. I quickly open it and read the paper inside.

Holy...I shouldn't have read it.

(in fancy writing)

You're invited to celebrate Marcus Randall Jibuski and Greta Macy Johnson's wedding.....

Sorry for not updating.
Bc School. *rolls eyes*
Sorry if i made any mistakes. Typing it on my phone.
Go watch Chris' cover he's amazing ♡♡♡

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