Chapter 2

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WARNING: This chapter may contain self harm, bulying and suicidal thoughts. If you're sensitive to these sort of things, I advice you to skip this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised

Brooke's P.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm.


"URgh" I mumbled and snoozed for 5 minutes.

I got up 5 minutes later and walked up to my full length mirror. I looked at myself and thought

Gosh, i'm so fat. I'm useless. Nobody cares about me except Amy. What the hell am I doing with my life? Am I still gonna continue my life? I stopped thinking for a while. Looked down at my wrists. Cuts, deep cuts, everywhere, still healing. I've been clean for a year. And I thought about what caused those thick scars. That's right. Bullies. I freaking hate them so much. They used to tease about me for not having a father or a perfect family. I sometimes admire those who have perfect families. But, I keep telling myself that, not everyone is perfect. Like when you see those rich kids in school seems to have a perfectly prefect life, but sometimes what you didn't know is that, they have personal problems.

Some other people seems to have a completely opposite life. Like they have a good family, both father and mother are still together, but some just didn't get enough attention from families. well guess what? I have both problems.

I then quickly brush my teeth and tie my hair up in a bun and walk to the kitchen, cause I'm very very hungry. I pass my mom's bedroom, I could hear her slightly snoring.

I walk to the kitchen and made pancakes and a cup of tea for myself. "Tea is the best" I thought while I have my first sip. I never really like coffee, it just taste so weird. I finish up my breakfast and it's already 11. I got back to my room to get ready, my mom is still asleep.

Showered, put on my black tank top and my grey batman hoody that mom gave me (It was suppose to be one of her exes hoodies, but she stole it and gave it to me), black skinny jeans and slip on my vans. I prefer not using makeup because I'm more of a natural type. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down:

Going to the mall with Amy. Won't be back till late evening. -B

Even though my mom can sometimes be a bitch, but I think she still cares a little bit about me. I tie my hair into a ponytail, and put on my glasses, i don't feel like putting on my contacts cause' I'm lazy.

I hop onto a bus, took a seat by the window, i could hear the person sitting next to me listening to Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran, I could hear the words perfectly cause' it was so freaking loud.

When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me-I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

"I just wished I could have a love life like that:" I thought to myself and got of the bus. Exactly 12. I went inside the mall and I could spot Amy very quick because she was wearing a bright hot pink shirt.

She hugged me when I approached her. I shift uncomfortably because no one has ever hug me this tight before in my life.

"We should get going first" Amy said and she broke the hug.

"where?" I asked curiously

"It's a surprise. Close your eyes and I'll guide you to the place"

I did as she say. After a few twists and turns, she finally stopped.

"You can open your eyes now" When I open my eyes, we were outside the Apple store.

"Why are we doing here?"

Without answering, Amy pull me inside and stop in front of various model of Iphones.

"Pick one.." she said. She got to be kidding me. Buying me an Iphone?

"You don't need to buy me a phone Amy"

"It's okay, since you don't even have a phone. I'll treat it as your birthday present. I already thought about buying you a phone in the first place, I just don't know which one you liked"

I chose Iphone 5s cause' it's a little cheaper than the brand new Iphone 6. I thanked her for everything, LIKE EVERYTHING.

After that, we went and get some froyo and went to the arcade. It was the best day of my life and the last day seeing Amy before I leave for Calgary.

After one hell of a fun time, it's finally time to go home. It's already 9 at night, passed my curfew. Amy offered me a ride back home and I gladly accept it. When i reached home, I gave one last hug to Amy and went inside my house.

"Where have you been?" standing there, crossed arms.

"The mall. I told you already."

She just shrugs. "Pack everything, we'll leave tomorrow, I assume you already know" I went up to my room and stuff everything i own into a big luggage, I don't own a lot of stuff so it was easy for me. Once I finish, I lay in bed playing with my phone, trying to learn how to use it. lol, I feel like a caveman.

I was on my phone the whole night. I slept when I was tired. i hope life in Calgary won't be so bad.....


okay so it's already the 3rd chapter and I bet a lot of you have been wondering where is Chris, well, Chris hasn't come out YET. I promised you that he will come out on the next chapter or maybe the chapter after the next one. I PROMISED. Stay tune next time :)

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