The Very Beginning

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On one very bright and sunny day, you could see a group of demons spying on two very important people, the crown prince and Princess

"Why did you bring me out here, mel?" The girl with shining golden brown hair asked

"Well, Ophelia..."

" I know we are already engaged, but I want to do this properly."

That is what he said as he slowly got down on one knee with a red velvet box in hand.

"So will you marry me, elia?" He wondered as the red box slowly opened to show a shining crystal blue diamond on a rose golden band.

"So will you marry me, elia?" He wondered as the red box slowly opened to show a shining crystal blue diamond on a rose golden band

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"Of course I will dummy!!!" She shouted as she quickly leapt onto him, sobbing tears of joy

"Congratulations, Bothers and Sister," a short boy with black hair said, claping as do the rest of the group

As the girls of the group gushed over the ring, the boys just spoke to one another.

Soon enough, the time came

The wedding day was here

The groom dressed in black and white suit

And the bride dresses in a beautiful black dress

And the bride dresses in a beautiful black dress

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The day was amazing

Everyone was happy

If only it could last forever

But unfortunately, all good things must go in the end...

"A goddess," she mumbled
"A goddess really mel," she repeated, but this time yelling as she stood with two babies in her arms

Soon, her dark magic started to leak out

It started to attack the goddess Elizabeth and the demon her husband, Meliodas.

Suddenly, two massive figures appeared out of nowhere.

"I the demon king," the first large figure started as the second one starts, "and I the supreme deity."

"We shall punish you all for you crimes," the two said in unison.

"Meliodas, for the sin of loving a goddess, you shall be stuck in an internal life, and every time you shall die, you will slowly lose your emotions" the demon king stated to his first son

"And you Elizabeth shall be stuck in a forever reincarnation to always die before your love meliodas and his wife Ophelia," the supreme deity for told

"And lastly, Ophelia, you shall forever love meliodas and live Intensity watching him love and lose Elizabeth without being able to do anything" was all they said be for everything went black...

When Ophelia woke again, she would see her love cry holding Elizabeth

She soon started to painc and check on the two infants who seem to be doing well

That is until she sees them suddenly stop breathing and move on to their forever paradise out her

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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