Chapter 13: You Make It Real (present)

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I stared at the new cemented bleachers. Beneath it was where the new locker rooms was located - also Coach's office, the gym, and everything else related to our sport.

It finally looked as if the school gave a damn about the football team.

But honestly, it was funded by my family. It was hush money to forget my indiscretion of almost beating someone to death. Whoops.

I sat across the field, on the old metal bleachers reserved for visiting teams. It was lunch time but I ditched the crowded cafeteria. Sometimes, the noise could be too much.

My phone pinged. I took it out of my pocket and swiped it open.

Four messages.


Where you at, man? You're missing out the fun. Dickwads from the sissy table doesn't look pleased. It's frickin awesome! Oh, yeah. And I ate your food. It looked lonely :P


Do you have Halo's number? Btw, Alfie ate all your food.


Connie's being too friendly and it's freaking me out. I bet Kurt feed her those happy brownies again.


Any idea why Frisco's accusing me of baking brownies?

An amused smile creeped up to my lips.

Underneath that tough bravado, my friends could be such goofs sometimes. In fact, it was all we ever wanted - to have fun and be carefree. Was that so bad? Why did some people have to be dicks and up our asses about it?

A figure from the corner of the bleachers emerged, catching my eye. I watched as she looked around and stopped when her head turned to my direction. For a moment, she looked like she was debating with herself. Then she walked across the field, wearing an army jacket over a gray dress with a book in hand.

I knew instantly who it was and why she was here.

I didn't move from my spot, slightly captivated at how the wind blew her dark hair and how shy her posture grew as she neared. I looked forward to the day when she didn't feel shy with me anymore, like that time when she was drunk.

Halo halted when she was right in front of me.

"Hi," she smiled, waving a hand.

I nodded a little. "Hey."

Raising my copy of Sherlock Holmes, she said, "I finished reading it. I figured I should return it to you, but I couldn't find you in the cafeteria so I went looking for you." She tilted her head and pressed her lips. "That doesn't sound creepy, does it?"

"No, you can stalk me anytime," I teased, starting to smile.

She scoffed. "Wha - I have never - Did I mention that this book is beyond awesome?"

My eyes narrowed at her attempt to change the subject. She looked away, her cheeks flushing light pink. My smile turned to a full blown grin now. I was beginning to understand the meaning behind her words.

My gut tells me she likes me, too.

"Tell me more," I told her quietly.

Her head whipped around. "Tell you what?"

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