1. port mafia? not the yakuza?

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_____________𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙎𝙏╰┈➤  chapter one

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╰┈➤ chapter one

Strolling the grounds with Shoko and Suguru, a ice loli in the white haired sorcerers hand as she happily licked the tip of the sweet chilly treat and humming in satisfaction.

Though Suguru was quiet, he's been like that for these past few days. it's sort of concerning.

"I've been trying to master 'teleporting' at far places I've gotten close but I still need a bit more practice, it's a bit difficult but I can do it."

She whines as she had recalled the events of the previous day and then hears snickering from Shoko. Her white locks let loose as your blue tinted sunglasses rested on the bridge of your nose; she frown.

"Don't laugh at my misery!" She grumbled out as she had taken a bite out of the chilly treat, and but slightly shivering due to the cold of the treat. "Man, this stuff is sort of cold."

"I mean you have been on and of on missions, it might take a toll on you, y'know? Try to relax a little too." Shoko says, pondering in her thoughts.

"You've been quite busy lately, Y/N." Suguru says as she takes a lick from his own Cooley treat, it was pretty hot this week. Turning around to face the man. "Yep, I've been getting hit left and right by missions!" She says with a slight grin but it was tiring at the same time.

"Mhm," was all Suguru replied, not paying too mind as the trio strolled the grounds until the brunette broke the silence.

"You both have missions, same city but different missions." Shoko reminds as she smirks, seeing how Y/N flinched as she most definitely did not know or probably forgot.

"Mhm, it would've been better if Suguru and I had a mission together, more fun." Y/N says as she recalled her past missions were mostly with Suguru with her but things have changed recently. "It's fine, really." Suguru says with a small smile, never reaching to his eyes.

"Oh, yeah." Y/N replies shortly.


Y/N hums as she had gotten the information of her mission, it wasn't so bad she just needed to retrieve a special cursed grade object that was recently discovered in Yokohama, where Suguru was heading of to as well, how fun.

"This seems easy." She thinks aloud, looking up at the ceiling of the classroom, smiling. "I don't think so really." Suguru says, besides her.

"You scared?" Y/N teases, her signature blue tinted sunglasses falling down from the bridge of her nose, Suguru smiles slightly before shaking his head no. Y/N's brow arose as she stares at him with a look of curiosity.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓. . . //  female gojo reader.Where stories live. Discover now