Back to Thailand

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CBK Company

A man sat in the center of the meeting room, observing his employee as they presented a new strategy for their upcoming business advertisement.

"This is the plan we've prepared. Thank you," the presenter said, bowing slightly and fixing his gaze on his boss, who remained expressionless.

"Is this the plan that you all worked on for the past weeks?" the boss inquired.

The employees looked at him anxiously, their expressions revealing their fear of rejection.

"I can't believe how people can spend an entire week on such a presentation, especially individuals as trained as all of you. I'm giving you one more week to come up with a better plan. If you can't, please inform me so that I can hire more competent individuals." With that, he scanned the room and rose from his seat, heading for the exit accompanied by his secretary.

"Alright, gentlemen, it seems the meeting is over. Please prepare a new presentation if you wish to keep your jobs," Pat Pawant, the general director, announced before exiting the room.

In the CEO's office

"Seriously, my friend, you need to be less direct. You've frightened all the employees," Pat remarked to Chopper, who was engrossed in another file.

"P'Gong, please send this file to the finance team. I'll take a half-hour break now," Chopper instructed his secretary, who left after collecting the files.

"Of course, I need to be straightforward, my friend. One thing I've learned in life is to express my expectations clearly so that people don't take me for granted," Chopper replied to Pat after sending his secretary away.

"Your cold, aloof demeanor is why you have so few friends. I don't know what you'd do without me," Pat teased Chopper.

"Enough of your taunts, get back to work. Bas is coming, and I need to be free for him," Chopper said.

"Can't wait to meet your sweetheart, huh?" Pat teased further.

"Sweetheart, my foot. Get out of here, or I'll kick you out."

"You..." Chopper started to chase Pat, but Pat had already made a run for it.

As silence enveloped Chopper, his smile faded. His attention turned to the drawer on his table, which he slowly opened, revealing a picture of two high school boys. They looked exceptionally happy, holding hands, gazing into each other's eyes. The love in their eyes was unmistakable, and they appeared inseparable. Just as Chopper's eyes grew misty, a knock on his office door brought him back to the present.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Yes?" Chopper responded.

"Sir, Mr. Bas Suradit is here," his secretary replied.

"Okay, send him in," Chopper said, putting the picture back in the drawer and locking it.

A cheerful, young face entered the office, approached Chopper, and hugged him while Chopper remained seated.

"Oh, Chopper, I've missed you so much," Bas said.

"Missed me? We met just the other day. It hasn't been that long," Chopper teased Bas.

"You're so mean," Bas pouted.

"Enough with the faces. Let's have lunch. I've already ordered your favorite," Chopper said, standing up and moving towards the table where lunch had been set.

"You always have everything prepared before I arrive. So attentive," Bas complimented Chopper, who smiled and continued their lunch while engaging in small talk.

During their meal, Chopper's phone incessantly rang, forcing him to check it. He noticed his cousin calling him.

"Hey, Nueng, how are you?" Chopper inquired.

"I'm good, Chopper. How about you? Don't you ever miss us?" Nueng teased.

"Come on, you know I'm busy with business and other matters. It's hard to stay connected," Chopper replied seriously.

"No need to be so serious. I understand," Nueng laughed from the other end.

"How's everything over there?" Chopper asked.

"Everything is fine here, don't worry. I called you for a special reason."

"What's the reason?"

"Guess what? Your cousin is finally getting married," Nueng announced with joy in his voice.

"Congratulations, Nueng! I'm genuinely happy for you. I thought you and Palm would be in a relationship forever," Chopper replied with a genuinely happy voice.

"Don't tease me. We had a lot to sort out before taking this step, dealing with past issues and all. Thanks to your and Palm's help, I could finally get married to my sweetheart. I couldn't have done it without you," Nueng expressed his happiness and gratitude.

"I'm truly happy for you. I helped because I couldn't erase what my father did to you and your family," Chopper admitted with a touch of guilt in his voice.

"Let's not dwell on the past. My call was about my upcoming wedding. I'm inviting you to the wedding in Thailand," Nueng invited.

"Nueng, I... I'm happy about your wedding, you know that, but I... I don't think I can..."

"Stop right there!" Nueng interrupted Chopper.

"Chopper, you went to Europe for your studies, and we didn't say anything. You stayed there alone, and we accepted it. We've hardly met in these nine years, and the last time you visited Thailand was six years ago for your father's... Anyway, I never complained. Can't you just come to my wedding? It's a simple request, and it means a lot to me. Can't you fulfill my wish just this once?" Nueng pleaded, and Chopper couldn't say no to his cousin.

"Okay, I'll come. No need to be dramatic," Chopper agreed.

"Yes, finally! I can't wait to see you. I'll send you the date and details. Now, I need my beauty sleep. Goodbye."

"Silly. Goodnight," Chopper chuckled at his cousin's antics.

"Goodnight," and they ended the call.

"So, your cousin is getting married, huh?" Bas asked.

"Yes, and I have to return to Thailand to attend the wedding," Chopper replied.

"I'm coming too," Bas declared.

"But your work..."

"No! I'm coming with you, and that's final."

"Alright, prepare yourself. We'll leave next week," Chopper said, smiling at his boyfriend.

Deep down, he knew this trip to Thailand would bring unexpected news.


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