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In a high-class apartment building, one room remained silent and dark until someone opened the window curtains.

"Damn it," Ben exclaimed when the sun's rays hit him directly in the face.

"Good morning, sunshine. You have a schedule in 3 hours," Euro, Ben's manager, informed him while handing him a cup of tea in bed.

"Can't I take a break, Euro? My head is throbbing," Ben complained.

"A break? No, we can't. Your hangover will soon be gone, and what will you do with a break? Drink more alcohol and wallow all day? Sorry, but you have more important work to do than drowning yourself in alcohol," Euro said as he started to tidy up the room that had been destroyed by a drunken Ben. The dressing table was empty, and everything was scattered on the floor. Last night's clothes were in tatters, and alcohol bottles were strewn everywhere. Looking at the mess, Euro could only imagine how rough last night had been for Ben.

"Did something happen last night? You left the party abruptly, asking me to take you home fast. Is everything okay?" Euro asked while putting everything in its place.

"What can happen to someone like me?" Ben replied, looking out of the window. "A person like me is only born to cause trouble for everyone. It feels great to see people fighting over me. It makes me feel so good," Ben said laughing but his smile never reach his sad eyes.

"You're seriously crazy, Ben." Euro sighed. He had grown used to Ben's behavior over time. Even when he was in trouble, Ben would act superior to hide his pain.

"You know what's the craziest thing?" Ben looked at Euro with excitement, like a child.


"Last night, Nani almost kissed me. Isn't that crazy, hahaha..."

"WHAT? Ben, what do you mean by 'you and Nani almost kissed'?" Euro inquired, switching into manager mode. He worried about the potential consequences of such an incident being captured or witnessed. It was the first time Ben had mentioned almost kissing someone, and Euro was concerned.

"Okay, calm down. It's not like we actually kissed. He was just seduced by my beauty isn't it so normal, of course I am the prettiest anyone can fall for me. You know I'm amazing and all," Ben teased Euro, well aware of how easily Euro got alarmed by the trouble caused by Ben.

"Seriously, Ben, you need to stop giving me headaches. Every time you drop this kind of news, it shaves a year off my life," Euro replied.

"Okay, okay, no more teasing. Tell me what's on the schedule for today?" Ben asked as he got dressed and prepared for the day.

"Let's discuss it after you shower."

"Fine, I'll be quick."

After Ben finished his shower, he sat on the now well-organized dressing table and asked Euro again about his schedule.

"Well, you have a photoshoot with the new brand we signed at 12 PM. Then, you have a meeting for your new album at 3 PM at Yellow Pepper Records, and after that, you need to visit City Hospital," Euro began before Ben interrupted.

"Wait, why City Hospital?" Ben inquired.

"Ben, your father is having a kidney transplant today. Aren't you going to check on him?" Euro calmly explained.

"Who authorized adding that to my schedule? Didn't I already take care of everything? Or is it because I let you make all the decisions, you didn't even bother to ask me?" Ben sounded very angry with Euro.

"Ben, your mother has been trying to reach out to you, but you've blocked her. She contacted me and asked if you could visit your father before the operation, and I couldn't say no." Euro explained.

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