Can I get a kiss?(Lemon/Smut)

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>Masquerade AU<
>Segsy Dream with a tight dress and boa and a mask<
>Gentleman Sam😩<
>Makeout scene in an unused balcony >>>>> <
>Long tongued Sam 😇<


Reader's Perspective

Dream, a high ranked noble man who dresses up in feminine clothing arrived to the masquerade ball, hosted by Sam.As he elegantly walks down the staircases, he watch men lay their eyes on him. He did not focus on them, however. He was focused on the Heir who hosted the ball. He smiled as he greeted the green haired gentleman, bowing.

"Greetings, Sam."
Dream spoke in a soft and well-mannered tone as he lifted himself from the bow, a fan casting over his nose and lips, half of his face covered by the thin fabricated fan of his.

"Ah. Hello, my duchess. . Or should I say, Malewife?"
Sam chuckled as he went for a bow, kissing Dream's hand.

"Would you like to dance with me, M'lady?"
Sam requested as he dragged Dream toward the center of the ballroom.

Dream complied and nodded.
As they were now face to face in the center of attention, they gave their greets before they gave the attendees a graceful and elegant dance, each moves made precisely as they accommodate smoothly as expected from the duo.

After the dance, everyone cheered up and now the ball had begun. Everyone had their pairs as they danced together, gracefully but assuringly not as graceful as Dream and Sam's.

Dream gave Sam a playful smirk as he led Sam downstairs to the beautiful but unused halls and balcony.

"Remember this place? It has been a while since we met up here, Haven't we?"
Dream asked as he gazes at Sam, smiling.

Sam mimicked his expression and nodded.
"Of course. This is the most beautiful place. I had my servants clean this area every day. . . This place is definitely far more cleaner than any other rooms and sections of my castle.

Dream chuckled at the exclaim, and his hands slid around Sam's neck.
"You know. . . I've been missing your kisses.."
Dream spoke seductively as he smooched Sam.

Of course, Sam joined in and they kissed for quite a long time. Sam pinned Dream on the balcony, holding him off so they won't fall but intensed enough that Dream had to gasp for air.

"You put yourself in trouble for this one.."
Sam roared with a claim of what he owns as his lips trailed downward to nibble and tease Dream's neck, his nose sucking off all his scent. The soft scent of a undeniably addicting wine.

Dream moaned softly as they sat on the floor, his clothes wearing off in a second, all on the clean bottom surface of the balcony. The naked man grinded against the creeper hybird's groin for friction, getting every pleasure he could get.

Sam chuckled as he smiled, continuing to paint Dream's neck with hickies and bitemarks. . All bitten hard enough to last long for a week or so.

Dream shuddered as he thought how someone could come here anytime.

Sam soon took off his neat attire, settling them on the chair. He lifted Dream's ass, spreading his cheeks as he leaned to lick his entrance.

His tongue stretched far enough to hit Dream's prostate. As Dream's moans became lengthier and louder, Sam continued to stretch him while also lubing him.

He finished with stretching and kneeled behind Dream as he teased Dream by rubbing his large and almost Shark-like shaft against Dream's twitching entrance.

Dream moaned as he tried to snatch his shaft but failing miserably.

Sam had enough fun of teasing and he soon slid his cock in, the walls of Dream's tightening around.

"God, Dream.. Relax yourself."
Sam grunt as he grabbed Dream's snatchable waist and his lock of hair.

He thrusted deeply but slowly until he hit Dream's prostate and wait for him to adjust.

"You can move now.. ngh~"
Dream moaned as he felt Sam slowly thrusting in and out of his entrance.
The pace quickens as seconds passed by as Dream would chase his climax, eyes rolling to the back, tongue lolling out as he moaned in pure europhoric.

Sam was living for that lustful face of his. He slammed harder and harder each thrust.

Dream came quickly, the railings and his clothes were in white.





Sam soon came, filling Dream with his semen and he pulls his dick out, grabbing Dream's chin as he gave him a quick kiss before cleaning both of them.





They went to Sam's bedroom and they took a bath together, amidst the dimmest light scattered in the bathroom.

The Sensation and Vibe was calm, relaxing and quiet.

Dream sinked into the water until his eyes were the only ones visible on his face. He closes his eyes as Sam admires his beauty.

The Quiet soon breaks into pieces as Sam decided to engage a conversation.

' ' How is your dukedom going? ' '

[Dukedom is a territory ruled by a duke]

Dream got up and he gleed, replying energetically. ' ' It's going great! I left Sapnap and Quackity to help the dukedom during my visit here. Which is currently. ' ' Dream swam to Sam, leaning on his shoulder as he relaxed.




' ' I love you, Daydream.. ' '

                         ' ' I love you too, Sam ' '

   > ——————|𓆩♡𓆪|—————— <

Samwastaken/Awesamdream is underrated!!!

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