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~~~London, UK~~~


"The Princess is now the Queen!" A man yelled drunkenly. Loki rolled her eyes as she took a sip of the blood in her glass. The bartender wouldn't be back for a while, she smirked.

"Old habits die hard, I see."

Loki frowned and turned to see Carlisle.

"Carlisle?" She asked. He smiled and sat beside her. "So, how have you been in the last century?" He asked.

"How did you..." She trailed off, still a bit surprised at his sudden appearance.

"You adore crowning of monarchs. Especially a Queen. You wouldn't miss being in town for it." Loki chuckled, "You know me well, my companion."

"Well, my dearest friend, I also wanted to see you." He sighed.

She raised a brow, "You may know me well, but I also know you. What troubles you, my friend?" Loki asked, taking another sip of the human bartender's blood.

"I...feel the absence of companionship." Loki frowned. He continued, "When I was turned, you were there two years after. But when we parted, I started to truly feel the loneliness of my existence."

"But you were with the Volturi, yes? Did you find what you sought?" Carlisle shook his head, "I enjoyed my time with them, yes, but I could not stay. They would not try animal blood, no matter how much I nagged. I liked being in a coven, though. It felt fulfilling."

Loki nodded, "Then perhaps you should start your own coven. Turn others to be like us." Carlisle frowned. He would never put the burden of this life on someone else's shoulders.

"No, I couldn't."

"Then what do you want to do?"

He looked at her intensely, "I miss you. If I wanted to start a coven, I want you in it." Loki smiled and chuckled lightly, "Carlisle--"

"Just...listen. Please."

She sighed, "Okay."

"We could be together always. As a coven. I miss you, I really truly do. If we were a coven, we wouldn't have to be separated so much."

Loki just reached her hand up and cupped his cheek, then smiled lightly, "And that sounds beautiful. But, there are things that you don't understand."

Carlisle frowned and pulled back, "Explain."

And so, she told him about hibernation. "But, why do you do it?" She shook her head, "I can't tell you." He paused, then nodded finally, "Okay," He said reluctantly.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I got my medical license and even did some schooling." She grinned, "I knew it. Physician Carlisle Cullen! I love it!"

"Well, I try. So, where will you go after this?" She darkened slightly and was thankful that Carlisle didn't notice.

"I have some business in San Andreas. After that, I return home." He nodded, "Loki, I wish you were an ordinary vampire like me sometimes."

She smiled, "When I'm with you, I am just an ordinary vampire. I've never had such a friendship."

He smiled painfully. Sometimes, he also wished that they could have more than just a friendship. That they could be together. But that could never happen, and he could never say that to her. He cared too much.

"Please, calling you ordinary is an insult." She giggled, "Well, I must be off. I...don't know when we will see each other next. This could be our final farewell."

The Trickster // Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now