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"W-Who are you

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"W-Who are you..?"

Donghyuck's heart jumped into his throat when he heard those words come out of Renjun's mouth. Had he forgotten who he was?! Could he possibly forget something like this?! He quickly shook his head, trying to clear away his thoughts that were tormenting him.

"Don't touch me!" Renjun pushes Donghyuck away from him.

Tears immediately started rolling down his cheeks once more, hearing those words come out of Renjun's mouth. It hurt so much to hear such rejection coming from him after all they had been through together. But despite that pain, he stood firm and didn't let go of him. He wouldn't allow himself to.

"Do I even know you?" Renjun asked confused again.

As if reading his mind, Donghyuck answered softly, hoping against hope that Renjun would recognize him again. "Yes, we've known each other since childhood," he replied calmy, taking a step closer towards the smaller before continuing. "And I love you, Renjun."

"H-How do you know my name..? We don't know each other."

The taller couldn't help but choke back a sob as he realized that Renjun still didn't remember him. It was as if his entire world was shattering right before his eyes. But he swallowed his grief and held onto Renjun tightly, refusing to let go of him.

Suddenly the door opens, revealing their friends but Renjun doesn't remember his own friends.

Donghyuck froze upon seeing them enter the room. What could these people want with Renjun? Wasn't he supposed to be alone right now? As he stared blankly ahead, waiting for someone else to speak first, he suddenly noticed that Renjun wasn't reacting to anything around him.

Mark, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle (Renjun's younger brother) and Jisung were their friends.

At the sight of his friends, Donghyuck finally snapped out of it. All the emotions that he'd kept bottled up came rushing out at once, overwhelming him in an instant. Tears began streaming down his face as he buried hus face in Renjun's shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably.

"W-Who are you guys?" Renjun again asks, looking at them.

Donghyuck's voice cracked slightly as he spoke. "They're my friends..." he whispered weakly, looking up at Renjun through teary eyes."Please forgive me... for everything.." He begged quietly, feeling completely helpless without Renjun by his side anymore. "Please..."

Renjun pushes Donghyuck again and stands up but soon falls down.

Seeing Renjun fall to the ground, Donghyuck immediately rushed over to him and caught him before he hit the floor. His arms wrapped protectively around Renjun's body as he cried into his chest.

Renjun blushes softly. "I said don't touch me"

Despite Renjun's protest, Donghyuck refused to let go of him as he continued to cry. It was as if he couldn't believe that none of his actions had helped to bring Renjun back to him.

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