Chapter 19

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Recap: We all argued about that for a couple minutes until I finally gave in.

B: Alright, whatever. I'll come and follow the rules so I don't get in trouble with anyone. You happy now?

Am: You need to lose the attitude, young lady. It is very unnecessary.

B: Sorry, Mom.

A: Thanks you for apologizing. Now, if I remember right, today is your day for dishes. So, when we're done, get to it. Better to have them early in the day.

B: Okay, fine.

Three Days Later...

We were just finishing loading up the tour bus with our luggage. It was 5:30 in the morning and we had a long day ahead of us. Before getting on the bus, we had a quick band meeting to fill the others in on our conversation's results.

When we were actually on the bus, I opened my laptop to try and entertain myself for a while. I had recently became obsessed with scalp checking ASMR videos (also the case in real life. I know, very specific.) Every time I watch one video, I'm usually asleep within 5-10 minutes. That was true this time as well, which was good because I was still very tired. By the time I woke up, light was coming through the windows. According to my laptop, it was 10:30. I had slept for about 5 hours. And apparently we weren't even halfway to our destination.

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