Chapter Thirty-Five - They are not ready.

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"Get ready, we have a lead!" Niton flew into the room like a bullet with his sword at his advantage.

-What? Who? -Iro immediately threw away the phone and climbed off the bed.

"Isn't that Yamioto?" Asked Cassie, taking off her headphones, and closed the notebook in which she was enthusiastically writing something.

"Yes, he was noticed, we have a chance." Niton said. "I'm waiting for you all at the main exit, hurry up!" After these words, Niton flew out of the room.

Iro and Cassie looked at each other and, grabbing the totem ones, ran after the swordsman. When they were already in the city (the journey did not take much time), Niton once again checked the coordinates given to him and said:

-Plus minus three and a half kilometers from here, we're heading north, forward!

The guys immediately ran to Nitonom. They were far behind, the swordsman was much more resilient and faster, they even had to take breaks. Neaton had doubts in his head; he didn't know whether his friends were ready for such a serious opponent.

-What are we standing for? We're almost there, come on!" Iro shouted when Niton suddenly braked on one of the roofs.

- Guys, I... - Niton began and suddenly fell silent.

Iro stared in surprise at his comrade's back.

"Niton?" Cassie said, tilting her head to the side.

"I was thinking... you're not ready!" Niton said, turning around.

-Are you kidding? I've been doing this since a conscious age, Cass and I are the strongest among all the "Nighthawks", in the battle with the Fourth, it seems to me that we showed ourselves well! - Iro was very offended by such a harsh statement from the swordsman.

"You are not the strongest," Niton shook his head. "I am the strongest." In the battle with the Fourth... I... I see that you are not ready, she almost tore you to pieces!

-Not ready? - Now Cassie is angry too. - We are your team, don't you believe us?

"You don't even have a totem, and he became an archer at the age of ten!" Niton shouted.

-Yes, at least at five! We can handle it, together, we can handle it!

"He takes out shelters for once, he doesn't care about a whole legion," said Niton.

-And you want to go alone? This is suicide, if you believe your words! - Iro exclaimed.

"That's why I don't want you to come with me, I don't want to lose you, and I'm not sure if I can protect you from him," Niton explained.

-Do you think we'll just leave you to your fate? If you thought that after you admit that you are going to certain death, we will turn around, then you were wrong! We're friends, okay? Friends should stick together! - Cassie reminded.

"I don't want to lose you!" Niton shouted. "I know the pain of loss, I felt it more than once and I definitely don't want to feel it again." I won't forgive you if something happens to you!

"We're not little anymore, we won't let ourselves be offended!" Iro shouted.

"You didn't see him!" Niton involuntarily pulled out his sword and pointed it at Iro.

-Sick? Put away the sword!" Iro shouted.

"Don't quarrel, be quiet!" Cassie asked.

"I beg you, Iro." Niton hid his sword. "Turn around and return to the shelter, I can handle it, I promise."

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