stop it.....hurts

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(tae as a boy with girl parts,yunho and yoongi, and yeojun contains: forced sex, bad lanugage,and abusive relationship)


" where the fuck have u been huh" yunho said

"i-i was at the super market"tae said

" why was it taking u so long huh" yeojun said

" were u prehaps whoring around with someone behind our back" yoongi said

" no ofc not i was getting us food and the line was pretty long" tae said

" are u lying to us huh you know what happens when u lie to us" yunho said

tae pov ofc they would think i'm lying they never believe me ever since our marriage they been so rude,abusive,and etc. i haven't told anybody because i don't want them to get in trouble i love them to much to let them go i know they love me to just deep deep deep down.

" whatever make us some food were hungry" yoongi said and they went into the living room and watch lord knows what

Time skip~~

" dinners ready" tae shouted

" about fucking time i thought i was gonna starve" yunho said

" wtf is this" yeojun said looking at the plate in disgust

" w-what" tae said in fear

" why the fuck is there veggies on my plate i don't like them" yeojun said ( i don't know if that's true or not but it's a fan fic don't take it personally)

" i-i'm s-sorry i will make some else" tae said about to take the plate

" you know just leave it i will eat every thing else gosh so useless" yeojun said and that made tae put his head down and felt the water works coming but suck them back up and went back to eating

Time skip~~

3rd person pov 

after tae got done washing dishes he wen t upstairs and did  his night rotuine and put on some short shorts with a white crop top and headed towards her bedroom

" finally took u long enough" yoongi said

" now strip were horny" yunho said and the other's just smirk

" b-but i'm still s-sore from last night" tae said but received a hard slap on the face making him fall on the floor and hold his cheek with tears in his eyes

" U DARE TO TALK BACK" yeojun said pissed

" what we say u do got it" yoongi said and tae nodded while still holding her cheek

" come here" yunho said and tae walked slowly toward him and when he got close enough yunho snatch him close making tae yelp as his face met yunho's chest

" ugh ur so sexy" yunho said making tae blush

" now strip baby" yoongi whispered in his ear


"ARGHHH it hurt's" tae moaned in pain

" shut up and take it" yeojun said

" u said u guys would be gentle AHGHHHHH" tae said in pain

" u~fuck so tight~ actually~ahhhh~ believe us~AHHH FUCKKKKK BABY~" yunho said

" stop it.......... hurts" tae said while gripping the bed sheets tightly like his life depented on it

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