psycho ex's

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(this story contains female tae,psycho Jimin and Jungkook but also slight forced sex don't like it don't read simple)

"TAE come downstairs me and lisa and jennie are going shopping after school come on we will be late" yoongi said 

"o-ok coming" tae said rubbing her eyes and getting out of bed and going to her bathroom to do her morning routine

tae wore something simple a white crop top and grey sweats with air forces and put her black wavy hair in a ponytail with two strings down and wore black and white hat

Time skip at school~

" hey tae did u hear about the new boys coming today" yooni said

" no nobody told me yk they names" tae said

"no but i heard that they are a big deal and they are sexy and handsome" yoongi said nugging tae

" no yoongi not interset" tae said rolling her eyes

" ever since ur last breakup u just never wanted to try again" yoongi said

" yk why they were psycho they killed people i was close with and them lied about it and den everytime they got mad they would try to or force me to have yk with then it wasn't a good relationship to be in " tae said

" i guess ur right but everyone isn't like that" yoongi said

" well it doesn't matter" tae said walking to her locker

" whatever " yoongi said

" now come on we have class" tae said

and they walk to class

Time skip in class~~

" ok class today we have four new students" mrs lee said

"yoongi only said there were two but anyways" tae said to her self

" please come and introduce yourself" mrs lee said that's when the four came in the whole class gasp so did tae and made eye contract with the two

" hi my name is Min Yoongi but u can call me yoongi or suga" yoons said

" wsp i'm Kim Seokjin A.k.a world wide handsome but u could call me jin"jin said

"heyy my name is Jeon Jungkook call me jungkook" jk said while looking straight in tae's eye but tae broke eye contract but did that stop him ofc not

" hi i'm Park Jimin but u can call me Pj or jimin" jimin said also looking at tae

" ok ok well yoongi and jin u two sit behind namjoon and hobi please guys raise ur hands" mrs lee said making namjoon and yoongi raise their hands with their heads down they have a (lil history but we will get into that later)

" and jiminn and jungkook u sit behind taeyoonie" mrs lee said making tae,yoongi,and namjoon widen their eyes and they went to go do so but the whole time looking at tae with that burning gaze and tae felt uncomfortable

" can you guys please stop staring at me" tae said annoyed

" sorry but your so pretty and sexy,fuckable" jk and jimin said finishing each other's sentences

tae decide not to say anything and just try and focus on the teacher

Time skip lunch time~~

as the bell rong tae hurried and started packing her stuff to go but before she could leave a hand stop her from doing so tae looked up and found jimin and jungkook looking at her and holding her wrist

"u need something" tae said trying not to sound rude

" can we talk" jk said

" about what" tae said

" about us " jimin said

"there is no us" tae said now annoyed

" come on tae we know that we can be a lil Possessive but come on" jk

"no possessive isn't even the word u killed every single person i was close with and u forced me to do things" tae said

" come on tae give us a second chance" jimin said

" no leave me" tae said tryna get out of their grip but they tighten it

" looks like were going to have to do this the hard way" jk said

" no please don't" tae said

" well then gives us a second chance" jimin said

" no i will not i can't risk it again" tae said backing away from them

" wel then say goodbye to big bro then" jk said smirking seeing tae shocked tae never told them about her brother so how do they know

" we have are ways" jimin answer making tae even more shocked 

can they read minds tae thought

" no we can't read minds it just looks like that what u were going to say" jimin said

" so what is ur answer" jk asked

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