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Me and my boyfriend (Finn) have been together for 2 years now. Right now we are on the plane to Monaco, we've planned this trip a couple of months ago. We were first planning to go to Italy, but Finn was invited to come to his best friend. Luckily i could come with because I couldn't get my leave days back.

We arrived in Monaco and are now in our hotel room. Near his best friends house. "I forgot to tell you, but we're going to a party tonight." Finn said. "Okay, what time?" "Around eight."

Finn got us a table at a really cute restaurant, and we would go immediately to the party afterwards. I just hope that he won't leave me alone at the party. We had a really good time. It was nice to be finally away from al the chaos and just be ourselves. We finished our dinner and went to his friends house. It was like a 15 minute walk. It is really beautiful here. I can see myself living here, if i had the money. I really love the old money vibe.

We arrived at the party, it was a really big house with a big garden. Finn saw I think his best friend "I'll be right back" "Wait, no don't leave me." But it was no use. He was already gone. "Hi, I've never seen you before. Who are you here with?" Asked a girl with brown hair. "Hi, yeah I'm here with my boyfriend. He is here somewhere." I smiled at her. "Love, look at this do you think this is okay?" I hear someone say. The girl turns around. "Yeah, why not." He comes standing next to her. "Hi, I'm Alex. And this is Lily." He says. "Nice to meet you, I'm Daphne."

"Wait i know you from somewhere! Ah yes you helped me once at an grand prix in a hotel. Your just my mate's type i told him about you that day, wait I'll get him." "Wait no i have a boyfriend." But it was too late he was already getting his friend. "I'm sorry, when he thinks about something he's really exited and just doesn't think." She laughs. I laugh soft with her. I look around and have small talk with her. I didn't know Finn knew formula 1 drivers. Yeah maybe he has never seen him. That's still possible. I'm a little bit mad at him for leaving me alone. I asked him to stay with me, because i know no one. I really feel out of place.

"Daphne this is Lando, Lando this is Daphne. The girl i just told you about." Alex introduces is. Lando and i shake hands. "It's nice to meet you Daphne, would you like to drink?" He asks. "Nice to meet you too, uhm yeah sure. Can i just have a coke?" I say. He nods and walks away. I hear Lily softly slap Alex on his arm and whispers "she has a boyfriend, if you waited you heard her say that." Alex his eyes widen. "Sure? I told Lando she was single, i hope he won't try something then." He laughs.

Lando returns with the drinks and Lily and Alex walks off. We talk a little and laugh a little bit. After a while. Lando says he's going to greet some more guests and hopes to see me again. Guests? Is he hosting the party? I thought Finn's friend was hosting it. He would for sure tell me if he was friends with formula 1 drivers.

After a while i had some couple more drinks this time alcohol. I made some friends, we were sitting on the couch right now and laughing and taking pictures together. Then in the corner of my eye i see Finn with a beautiful girl talking at the bar. She is touching him and he lets her. They laugh and i recognize her. She's the girl he told me not to worry about. I stand up and walk up to them.

"Hi, I haven't seen you all evening. I thought you would stay with me." I said to him. He looks up to me and immediately goes a little away from the girl. He knows he is doing something wrong. "Is this the reason why you wanted to go to Monaco?" I ask him. "No, she and i are just friends. I already told you that. And you know i was invited by my friend. She is just here by coincidence." He told me. I look at him in disbelief.

We've been arguing for like 10 minutes now, people are looking at us. "You know what? I'm done with you right now. I'm going back to the hotel. We'll talk tomorrow." I walked away from him. He yelled after me but I didn't stop walking.

Hi i hope you liked this chapter. I haven't written books anymore in years. So i hope you like te way i write. Thanks ;)
Wc: 838

Forbidden ~ Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now