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The next morning i woke up but Finn wasn't next to me. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. 9 o clock. Why so early. I looked if i had some messages, no none from Finn. Weird. I tried calling him but he didn't pick up. I have a really weird feeling about this. Then I opened some other messages. I got a message from a unknown number.

Unknown: Hi Daphne, i got your number through someone. I wanted to know if you got save to your hotel. Btw it's me Lando. :)

I looked at my phone. How did someone over there get my number. Maybe i gave it to someone. Because i also have a new groups app with some girls with unknown numbers. These are the girls i took pictures with at the party. But first i will message Lando back.

Me: Hi Lando, thank you. Sorry i just saw your message, yes i got save to my hotel room.

I opened instagram, and the first thing i see when i open it is a picture of my boyfriend kissing that girl. I feel the tears forming in my eyes. So thats why he isn't here. How many times he had told me not to worry about her, and that she was just a 'friend'. Oh how stupid i feel right now.

I opened my phone again, and looked for new hotels here in Monaco. I found one and booked it for the rest of the vacation. Then i got up and walked to the reception. "Hi good morning, maybe a weird question. Because i booked with a credit card, can i maybe cancel the rest of the day's and get the money from that back? But then on my bank account?" I asked the receptionist. She said she was going to ask her supervisor. Later she came back and told me it was possible.

I just checked in in my new hotel room. Finn can sleep at his new girlfriends. I open instagram again, and see that Lando started following me. I click on his instagram story it say's: finally reunited with my old best friend. Oh so Lando was his best friend. Why didn't Finn tell me? At that moment i got nee messages from Lando.

Lando: no problem, good to hear. For how long are you in Monaco?
Lando: Btw, who was your plus one yesterday? Because I didn't know you.

How do i tell him yeah i came with my now ex-boyfriend. Who i didn't tell yet that we're over? I don't even know where he is. It's a wonder he hasn't tried to call me yet. Because there's no hotel room anymore.

Me: I'm here till Friday next week.
Me: I came with my now ex. But he doesn't know that yet.
Lando: what happend? If i can ask you.
Me: He was the whole evening with a girl he told me not to worry about. When i told him I didn't want to be alone because i knew no one.
Me: And when i woke up he wasn't there. I opened instagram, and saw he was kissing that girl. So now you know why I'm going to break up with him.

I didn't get a message back yet. But thats okay. We don't know each other that well. I got up from my bed and went out. And put my earphones on. The noice canceling ones. I love them. I walked around Monaco, if I'm going to be sad i might as well be sad walking around beautiful Monaco.

Lando: I would say dump his ass, I really hate people who cheat. Are you okay now tho?
Lando: okay so can i ask who he is?
Me: I've been better. His name is Finn.

He was typing then stopped. And that went on for a couple of minutes. Like he was typing something and then deleted it. Then i put my phone away. I saw a bench by the port, so i sat here for a while. My phone rings and see Lando is calling me. I hesitate to pick it up.

"Hi?" I say. "Okay so i have an idea, I don't know if you wanted this. But can you maybe come over so i can explain?" He says. It's silent for a while. "I know what you're thinking, but he's not here. I promise." He says. "Uhm okay yeah sure. What time?" I answer. "Like right now? If that's possible?" "Sure, I'm coming right now. It was the house where the party was yesterday right?" I say. "Yeah, thats my house."

In 10 minutes I arrived at Lando his house. He opens the door immediately.

I also put like text messages in here. Do you like it or not? Otherwise i will stop with that. I always liked it when it was in a book.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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