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we follow our rules here

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we follow our rules here

IN the near future, humans are doing as they always have done: their best. They live, they love, and then, when it's all over, they die. Life hasn't changed much.

LIFE especially hasn't changed in Locksley, Iowa. Your typical mid-sized town in middle America, Locksley is exactly as you'd expect it to be. Perfectly average, middle of the road. Those who live there do so because going anywhere else isn't appealing, or because the can't leave, or because this place, for whatever reason, really does feel like home.

THE day the world ends, then, is just a normal day. Tuesday, as a matter of fact, in early fall. Kids have just started going back to school, and the leaves are slowly starting to change color. No one expects it all to end.

REPORTS of a strange virus exhibiting a high fatality and infection rate have been spreading for days now, but most think it'll just blow over. There's been other viruses, other epidemics. This one will end just like the others. Except it doesn't.

IT doesn't go away. It reaches its deadly fingers to everyone it can touch, and it is a finger of death. 75% of the population is killed mere hours after contracting the virus, leaving the rest stranded and alone to pick up the pieces.

INCLUDING those who were shopping in Locksley's Groveland Mall. Suddenly, they were left standing among the wreckage as those around them—including their families—fell to the virus. And if they don't work together, they'll die too.

 And if they don't work together, they'll die too

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their footsteps are getting louder

1. As usual: be nice! If I find any rudeness or animosity on my book, you're out for good.
2. This fic is heavily inspired by the novel Station Eleven, but you don't need to have read it or seen the tv show to apply to/read this fic!
3. Please do fill out the form completely! I don't ask for information I don't need.
4. Be detailed! I'm unlikely to accept OCs with personalities and backstories less than 5 sentences, so give all the details you can!
5. As for what kind of character you can make, go nuts! I'm asking that most characters be 18+ for simple logistics, but you can make younger characters. You can also make family groups, parents with young children, and collab with each other if you'd like!
6. I'm not requiring face claims, though I'd like if you provide one. I do ask that you give some detail to your OC's appearance even if you do have a face claim. Your face claim can be anyone, just no instagram influencers please!
7. The password is to give me a piece of apocalypse media you like.
8. I'm not requiring you to tag anyone, but please do! It really helps me reach more people.
9. (I think I'm funny for ending on number nine) Please ask me if you have any questions! My OCs are going up the day after I post this intro, so keep an eye out!

 (I think I'm funny for ending on number nine) Please ask me if you have any questions! My OCs are going up the day after I post this intro, so keep an eye out!

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i ran all night long like i was going to die


FULL NAME: first, middle, last

NICKNAMES: also note who calls them this



GENDER & PRONOUNS: neopronouns accepted!


HOMETOWN: your character can be from Locksley or elsewhere!

FACE CLAIM/APPEARANCE: please be descriptive. i'd also appreciate a description of their clothing style and any differences between the fc and your character, if applicable.

PERSONALITY: be descriptive please! at LEAST five sentences, if not more.

BACKSTORY: again be detailed please! be sure to note how and why they came to be at the mall.

FAMILY: provide names, ages, how they're related, and current life status. more information is useful, but not required.

FORMER OCCUPATION: what they did for work before the apocalypse, if applicable. for teenagers who don't have part-time jobs, you can just put "student"

STRENGTHS: what is your character good at? what skills do they bring? 4+ please.

WEAKNESSES: what are they bad at or have few skills in? 4+ please.

ROLE IN THE COMMUNITY: basically, what do they do in the community the characters build? this can be so many things, do feel free to be creative

HABITS & HOBBIES: what habits and hobbies does your character have? please include at least one of each.

OKAY WITH THEM BEING INJURED OR DYING? simple yes or no, though you can elaborate!

LOVE INTEREST? again, a yes or no is all that's required, but you can provide detail on their type if you'd like!

THEME SONG: can be anything, but please try to keep it to one song!

AESTHETIC: please provide more than four things, if possible.

QUOTES: 2-3, please!

PASSWORD: found in rules


blythering curiosityanddreams -redvines- saturns-moons Coruscant_Cosmonaut

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