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FULL NAME: Carolyn Alana Davies

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FULL NAME: Carolyn Alana Davies

NICKNAMES: Carrie, by her ex-husband


AGE: 36

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female, she/her


HOMETOWN: Carolyn has been a resident of Locksley her whole life.

FACE CLAIM/APPEARANCE: Carolyn, in all honesty, is a pretty average-looking woman. She has short, wavy brown hair that she keeps that length because kids have grabby hands; her eyes are hazel, and she has her ears pierced twice each. She's five feet five inches tall, and has a bit of a mom body - not that it matters to her, she's honestly pretty proud of her stretch marks, considering her struggles having her son in the first place. Lauren Cohen is the face claim.

PERSONALITY: Carolyn tends to trust really quickly, taking more than she should at face value. She's very trusting by nature, and believes in the best of humanity, even if there's really nothing good at all. This also applies to meeting new people; Carolyn will never judge people on the first meeting, unless they're threatening her son. Carolyn takes motherhood very seriously. She's the take-charge kind of mom, the one who needs to know where her son is at all times. However, she can be a little overbearing where Theo is concerned, and isn't a very "go with the flow" kind of mom. Actually, she's a little pessimistic. Though she believes the best in other people, when it comes to situations, Carolyn always thinks the worst will happen. She can't really help the fact that her mind always jumps to the worst outcomes first. It's just what happens. Carolyn's used to it by now, but it can be a little surprising for other people when this otherwise cheerful woman starts listing off all the ways something can go wrong. She just worries, that's all.

BACKSTORY: Carolyn grew up in Locksley, born to Michael and Cassidy Davies - their oldest child. She had a rather uneventful childhood, to be completely honest. Her younger brothers, Alec and Christopher were born when she was two and four, respectively, and the family was very normal. As an older sister, Carolyn was slightly parentified - her mom relied on Carolyn to help with the boys, and, as she got older, to babysit for a couple hours at a time. She didn't mind at the time, not really - Carolyn has always been the type of girl to like taking care of others. Her mom called her "maternal" when she was only eleven, and it was honestly true. As a teenager, Carolyn did pretty well in school, though she was never the kind of girl for big ambitions, and she started dating. She had a couple short-lived boyfriends before meeting and falling for the guy who would be her high school sweetheart: Darius Jones. They met in Carolyn's junior year - his senior year - and dated through the rest of high school. Carolyn went to Iowa State University, majoring in computer science, and became a software engineer. She continued dating Darius through college - he went to the same school and studied business management - and after she finished college, they were married and settled back in their hometown. That part was Carolyn's idea - she wanted to be close to her parents, and actually liked living and growing up in Locksley. Darius wanted more, wanted to move to New York or LA, but Carolyn put her foot down, and he had no choice but to listen. And life was good. Well, mostly - Carolyn really wanted to be a mother, and Darius wanted kids too, but they struggled to conceive for years. Their relationship began to deteriorate, slowly crumbling and breaking into something Carolyn never wanted it to be. She even considered leaving him. Until, to the surprise of both them, Carolyn got pregnant. She wasn't expecting it - she'd practically given up at that point - but their little miracle brought Carolyn and Darius back together. Their son Theodore, called Theo for short, was born four years ago, and Carolyn adores him. Life settled again after he was born. Darius and Carolyn fought a lot less, and she found she really loved being a mother, going so far as to shift her work schedule to part-time so she could look after Theo. Besides, Darius worked a lot, and made enough money for both of them. Though, maybe Carolyn should have looked harder at how much time Darius spent "at work" versus how much money he actually made, because she was very much not happy when she came home early a year ago, Theo in tow, to find Darius fucking another woman in her bed. She demanded a divorce - and for him to get out of her house - on the spot. Lucky for him, he listened. The divorce was finalized a few months ago, with Carolyn switching back to her maiden name and getting primary custody of Theo, though Darius does still have partial custody. She had to go back to a more heavy work schedule in order to make sure Theo was taken care of, but she's honestly pretty okay right now. Today, the day the world ends, is her day off work, and she took Theo shopping for a birthday present for her mom at the mall.

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