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I watched her check in at security from the rear of the lobby.  I hated the way John flirted with her.  That pretty boy flirted with all the ladies coming and going.  Zaidy was too good for him.  Even too good for me.  She has been my partner for five years so, I never dared to cross that line.  Especially because she was married.  Although this is the main reason I won't chase after her, it stops me from purposely working out at specific times when I know she will be there.  On occasion, I've caught her admiring me.  I'm not sure why I'm so drawn to Zaidy but I am.  I couldn't bare to watch their interaction anymore and retreated towards the elevator.  This was the second time this week she'd shown up late.  It worries me that something may be wrong.  I ride the elevator up and decide to head to my locker.  She'll probably head to the break room for coffee.  So, I decide to wait and give her time.

I lean against the doorway, watching her reach into the fridge for her favorite creamer.  

"Hey Zay", I say to her backside and regret doing so as she bumped her head.  She turned to face me and I continue to annoy her by plastering a smirk on my face. "Running late again?"  I can tell she is having a rough day. Zaidy seems to be in a daydream.  "Earth to Zaidy", I snap my fingers in her face seemingly bringing her back to the present.

"Yeah, what can I say", she answers shrugging as she adds creamer to her coffee, then proceeds to stir it without another word. "Ahhh, caffeine", she moans as she sips.  I watch her lips wrap around the rim of the mug and I have to adjust my stance then move toward the counter to hide my arousal.  I look at her face again.  Her eyes are sunken, and she seems depressed. 

"Zay, what's up?", I ask.  We can always read each other's moods. 

"Nothing you need to worry about Oli", she lies.  She hid behind her coffee in silence giving me the cue to let it go. After working together for so long we read each other well enough to know when and when not to interfere.  So, for now, I'll let it go.  "Alright, you know I'm here when you're ready", I concede and move to pour myself a mug.  She continues to sigh then slumps against the counter as if relieved.

"Perfect, just the two I was looking for", James interrupts us.

She puts her mug down and folds her arms over her chest in defense.  I instinctively position myself in front of Zaidy.  James always made her feel uncomfortable.  "Really? Do we have an assignment?", I say. "Our schedules were clear", I continue.  

"Ahu mph", James cleared his throat. "Yes, um, I was asked to clear your schedules because you have both been summoned to operations."

I looked at Zaidy, something was seriously strange.  We exchanged glances. 

Zaidy steps forward standing next to me and asks, "When?"

"Right now", James stated with urgency. He sounded anxious. Again, we eyed each other and sprinted down the hall, not waiting for James to finish his explanations. We knew this was serious.  We quickly swiped our badges at the meeting room door and were greeted by Shama, one of Juniper's executive assistants.  

"Ms. Alfaro, Mr. Siena", Shama nodded at us. "Time is of the essence", she sounded urgent. The expression on her face was grim.  We stood stock still waiting to be cued in.  The room was tense, people zoomed by moving from computer screen to computer screen. "This is serious", Zaidy leaned in and whispered to me.  Her sent was intoxicating.  I just nodded back.  

Shama ushered us farther into the room and into seats facing a large screen. "Good morning agents", blared director Garrison as the screen came to life.

"Good morning, sir", we responded in unison as Shama scurried off to the rear of the room.

"You have been called in on this because it is a sensitive matter", Garrison informed us. "Both of you have exemplary records and we needed the very best on this mission", he continued. "This mission requires discretion, and we know you are the agents to get the job done quickly and quietly", he nodded in acknowledgement.

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