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We had moved into the living room by the time the sun broke through. We sat just talking and getting to really know each other, apparently all over again. It was strange and yet, exhilarating. Zaidy was so expressive as she spoke about her college years, her hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Her face lit up when she spoke of her mother and her childhood. We were so engrossed in conversation we barely noticed the time fly by.

"I can't believe we both attended MIT and never ran into each other", she sighed. "Especially when working in the lab".

"I was a bit of a party boy in those days and never really took my studies too seriously until nearly the end", I admitted. "In a previous time, we might have", I say as I lean back into the armrest of the loveseat. "Who knows how badly they've messed with our lives". I say this and it resonates deeply with me. To say that I am truly perplexed with that fact that Juniper stole our lives to achieve their own agenda, is least of my new worries.

"Yeah, I guess", she agrees. "By the way, I mapped the events even further", Zaidy shares as she pulls her legs up and hugs them, seemingly excited. "I'm hoping we can set things right", she smiles knowingly. Zaidy shares, bringing me back to the conversation and out of my own thoughts.

"With you leading the way, I'm sure we will", I say meaning every word. If anyone can do it, it most certainly is Zaidy. She is extraordinary in every way. Zaidy was always able to see things from all angles seemingly catching things I'd never think of. Each time we were on a case, she would just look at things differently. I look up in time to catch her blushing and biting her lower lip, seemingly in contemplation. "What are you thinking about?", I smile at her.

"Ah, good morning!", Dr. Price startles us as he alerts us to his presence, pulling us out our bubble.

Zaidy releases her legs and stands up almost like a teenager being caught by her father. I smile and nearly laugh at her reaction. "They clearly have a close relationship", I think to myself as jealousy courses through me.

"Good morning", she greets Steven with a hug feeding the jealousy monster stirring in my chest even more. "Breakfast?", she asks us as her eyes land on mine once again.

"Alex can take care of that Zaidy", Dr. Price reminds her with a smile. "That is one of the reasons I built him". "Although, if you have to keep your hands busy, by all means", he continues as he motions towards the kitchen. I notice how he smiles at Zaidy in such a fatherly way and for a moment I envy them.

"I guess I can let Alex take care of us", she concedes. "Besides, I want to share what I've been working on", her face lights up again as if she is hiding a secret.

"So, what would you like Alex to make?", Steven asks us.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We sit at the dining room table with our Blegen waffles, coffee and fresh fruit as Zaidy asks Alex to display her project on the wall behind her.

"So", she begins. "I took all the time data you provided me with, sorted through it, and narrowed down specific points in time where changes were made." Zaidy created a time chart with multiple plots and labeled each one by date, geography and name. God she's amazing. "Most of them center around Oliver and me", she looks at me as she states this fact. "It looks as if they targeted my year of birth, changing something between my parents", she shakes her head as if in disbelief. "But I'm not sure what." "You, however", Zaidy says as she points to Steven. "They changed things while you were working for them, it doesn't make any sense."

"What is that one there with my name on it?", I ask and point to a similar one on a different line.

"Well, it seems as if they changed something during your childhood as well. Just not during infancy", she clarifies.

"So, what's the plan?", I ask. "How are we going to fix all these time variations?"

"Well, the very first variation begins with me", she shares. "Therefore, my best guess is that we begin at the beginning." "We scout out who was sent and how they interfered with the timeline, then intercede."

"That sounds like a plan", Steven agrees.

"Sounds dangerous", I say. "You aren't planning on doing this by yourself are you?" After all that's happened, I know she doesn't think she's going at this alone.

Then she surprised me by walking over to my end of the table then holding my face in her hands. "I would never dream of doing this alone", she proclaims then kisses me on the lips. It was a quick peck; but felt as if I was frozen in time. Then she picked up her used dishes and walked into the kitchen leaving me feeling as if my hard drive was about to crash. I finally managed to look over at Steven who was all smiles obviously moved by this display. So, I did the only think I could, focus on finishing my breakfast in silence.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Breakfast done and table cleared. I stood looking over Zaidy's work displayed on the wall with another cup of coffee in hand. She was truly a wonder. I'd often wondered why she was in security. I'd just taken the job hoping to eventually move up in the ranks, finally putting my degree to good use. I can see now why that never happened. Juniper was intentionally keeping us where they could keep tabs on us. They obviously knew that Zaidy was brilliant and didn't want her rediscovering what she'd built. What we'd built, I correct myself. We were a team. I look over the data again and notice that one of the points happens to be at MIT. Is this why we never met? Did they intentionally keep us apart? How many times had they attempted to change things until they'd gotten what they wanted? And have they already gotten the technology we invented or were they hoping that Zaidy would create it accidentally while they kept watch? Too many questions kept popping into my head. I needed air. A walk. Something to get me head right.

"So", Zaidy whispers as she comes to stand by me. "What ideas are popping up?"

I wonder how many times she'd asked me this question in our previous life? "I am just in awe of your work and trying to figure out where they could have changed something in my life, and why?", I say as I click on the point with my name. The data opens to reveal a year and location. I must have been about five years old. What could have happened to change the course of my history? She's watching me closely and then places her hand on my back rubbing soothingly up and down. Zaidy could always read my vibes and I hers.

"We've got this Oli", she assures me. "So long as we do this together", she says and gives me a peck on the cheek then hugs my side. I place my arm around her shoulders. Fury burns i side me and I'm ready to ensue revenge on Juniper. They stole this life from me. From us. I could have been happy all these years but because of them I was miserable. Was this their plan? And who was [this]? Who was really behind all of the variations? Who was giving the orders? But the main question was Why?
"What's up?", Zaidy says sensing my feelings.

"I'm pissed off", I say because I am lost for words. "Who did this and why?" " Why did we deserve this?" I am frustrated and huffing. Looking over the chart makes me angrier.

"I'm not sure who did this or why", she nearly whispers. "But I do know that between the three of us we can change it."

She sounds so certain, so resolved. How can I doubt her? "I guess you're right." "We just need to look at this logically", I say more to myself than to Zaidy and take a step closer to the wall of information. As I do, I reluctantly let her go. The missing heat is noticeable and unappreciated by my body.

"This is all Steven had and gave us", she says stepping further back to look at the wall from a further angle. I watch her as she leans her head to the right looking at her work pensive. "Hummm".

"What is it?", I ask. "What do you notice?" Before getting an answer, Zaidy ran out of the room towards the bedrooms. "What did she notice?", I wonder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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