Concert Time!!!

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This is it!!!! This day is the happiest one of my life!!! Not only because I found an awesome outfit for the day, but because today's the P!ATD concert!!!! It's going to be awesome!!! Before the concert there's a Meet and Greet with all the members of the band. I'm gonna be the first one to get there.

I'll get there right away!!

When I got there, there were like a bunch of people before me. I was so bummed!!! Well, it's worth the wait!

I waited in line for what it felt like 4 hours until I was the next one. I saw Ryan's face light up, like he was amazed, astounded to see me. He was the first one in the table, followed by Brendon, Jon, and Spencer. Brendon looked at me, went back to what he was doing, then looked back at me really quickly.

"Ryden??" He asked, "Ryden Matthews???"

How the hell did he know my name!?!?!

"Yes?" I answered

"Remember me?? I was your neighbor back when we both were 6 years old!"


"Really?! I don't remember. I mean, we were 6 years old, and I don't remember what happened back then" I replied, "but OMG I'm so glad to see you again after ALL these years"

"It's good to see you too!!!" Ryan said, and pulled me behind the table they all were sitting and got a chair for me. Apparently he was going to say something to me. The rest of the band was staring at me with their eyes wide open. It was really funny because they all had the same expression.

Millions of fans came through asking for autographs and pictures and a whole bunch of crazy stuff. I was impressed to see what people came up with!!!

I was next to Ryan and every single person had that "I hate you" face. I just laughed in my head.

I didn't notice that Brendon was staring at me every once in a while, like he had something to do with me, like he had a connection and wanted to start something such as a relationship.

A lot of people went after me... I stayed till the end and saw everything they wanted. Autographs, pictures, they even brought gifts for the band.

When the last person went through, Ryan and the rest of the guys took me to their dressing room.

"Hey guys! This here is Ryden Matthews, the girl I always tell you about, that same girl I met when we were 6 years old." I heard Ryan tell the rest of the band.

In that moment, Brendon couldn't stop staring at me. It was kinda weird, but... PLEASE... IT WAS BRENDON URIE WHO WAS STARING AT MEEEE!!! No one has ever done that. I'm always the weird, old-fashioned loner that everyone ignores.

After a while, everyone left to get changed and to prepare for the show, except Brendon. He kept staring at me and it started to become a little uncomfortable. I looked around the room to see if I could ignore him. That way, he would stop. I looked away for a couple of minutes, but he wouldn't stop looking at me.

"Hi! I haven't formally introduced myself. I'm Brendon. And as Ryan said, you are Ryden right?" He said after a while

"Hello!" I said, " yes, I'm Ryden. And I know who you are. I LOVE P!ATD. You have saved me from suicide many times."

"Really?" He replied with curiosity. And a conversation of my whole life story came up. By the time we finished talking, Brendon had 10 minutes to get ready to go onstage. He hurried to where his clothes and makeup were and changed in a minute... That was the fastest thing I saw anyone do.

Meanwhile Brendon was getting ready, Ryan sat next to me and he told me that he remembered the last time he had seen me and that he thought that after he left town, he would never see his best friend again, me. Until that day all hope was lost and when he saw me in line, he was happy again.

Live, Laugh, Love Panic! At The Disco (A P!ATD Lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now