Chapter 1: The Awakening

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Computer noises

Startup sounds

?: "Chamber pod 5 online, queing eject mode now."

Sky(S): "Woah."

Loud thump against a file cabinet.

S: "Fuuuuuck!"

I got up from the floor, surprisingly the pain went away quickly.

S: "Wha- Where the hell am I?
What the hell is this place?!"

I saw light and it hurt.

S: "Ow, light hurts.
Ethan can you hear me?"

No response.

S: "Oh, Entity, can you hear me?"

Entity(E): "Yes, I can hear you."

S: "Where the hell am I?"

E: "This may come off a surprising, but, I have 0 fuckin clue."

S: "Well, can you scan for an exit?"

E: "Alright, gimme a few seconds, we're currently deep under ground."

S: "How did I end up underground?"

I looked around see if I can find something, I opened the cabinet I faceplanted into, it had a journal in it.

S: "What's this. Marus redacted, notes of Subject 912 date September 7th 2077.
Wait, is that current?"

E: "No, the date today is November 7th 2077."

S: "Goddamn, I don't remember what year it was before I woke here, let continue reading.

"Dr. Maddox had a strange experiment, he wanted to try and see what would happen if he tried to summon, not just a time traveler, but a demonic being. Professor Nelson approved of it, I thought he was mad but still curiosity over shot me.
1st trial was a fail, we are still waiting for a response on 2nd trail."

What the fuck was this lab, was I the successful trial?"

E: "I found an exit, might wanna search the place first before heading to the exit."

S: "True, better be safe than sorry."

I walked out an automatic door, to a big hallway with 4 rooms.

S: "Fuckin hell, can't see shit. Ent, can you try an enhance my vision."

E: "Sure."

He made it brighter, he had it set to when I get to he surface it will dim back to normal.

S: "That's much better."

I walked into the first room, it was a storage room, so I began scavenging. The first 2 rows were empty but the back row has some decent food, some armor and a melee weapon.

S: "Ain't much but it's something."

I went to the next room, it was a lab room.
I went to one for the closest and a skeleton fell out, and made me jump.

S: "Oh my God.
What the ballocks happened to this poor bastard?"

It has a nametag, Dr. Jackson.
I walked away from the skeletons and looted the area.
I went back and looted the other room before going to the last room, with an elevator.

S: "Is this the exit Ent?"

E: "Correct."

S: "Alright, let's put all this stuff in my bag, and let's see what happened to this world."

I entered the elevator and pressed up.
After a long wait I made it to the surface, and was greeted by the ruined city of Seattle.

S: "Holy hell, what happened to Seattle."

E: "Well, from what I can recall, they went rogue and began testing nuclear power scores, and instead of a small accident. It was a global destruction, surprisingly the only place untouched was Elk Plain."

S: "My home town, really?"

E: "Yeap."

S: "Alright, well, I think we should go to all the smaller areas, anywhere high up, it's a big probability that I may fall, and well, adventure over."

E: "Yea, good idea."

I went over to downtown Seattle, where a lot of the water front houses are.
Everything is just rubble and destruction, buildings destroyed, cars practically just tin.
Everything is practically gone.

S: "It feels sad seeing all of this. This was a the place I lived, now it's practically a waste land."

I began walking to one of the stores downtown that was surprisingly in good shape, with a dealership next to it.

E: "Sky, I have an agreement for us in this world.
You can ask for basic stuff to survive, like Food, Water, Ammunition, Protect and Some weapons and I'll summon it for you. Just to survive in this world, but as long as it's not too crazy."

S: "Sounds find to me, I'll go about this normally before that."

I found a lot of different loot.

S: "Yea, I can't carry all of this, keep the important, leave behind what I can't carry."

I walked out the door, I was about to continue forward when I was stopped by a voice.

?: "One more move and your dead."

Entity scanned and there was a sniper pointing towards the guys behind me.

S: "Hey, I don't want no trouble, I'm just trying to get the basics to survive."

?: "Tuff shit, your on our turf.
I'd give less of a shit if you died on the spot, hand everything over, and I'll consider sparring you."

S: "Come on dude, there's no need-"

I heard the sound of a pistol locked and loaded.

?: "I'm not asking again, run that shit bitch."

I slowly dropped the shit I didn't really care about.
When I heard the sound of a sniper, I turned around the guy dropped dead.

S: *sigh of relief*

The person came down and met up with me, his voice sounded familiar but I don't remember from where.

?: "Your one lucky bastard, if I wasn't here, you'd been lost of items."

S: "Yea, thanks."

?: "Who are you, and where did you come from?"

S: "My name is Sky, and I awoke in a random bunker.
Who are you?"

Jake(J) "Names Jake, good to meet you."

S: "You as well.
It's probably best if we stayed together.
I have no clue, what the fuck this place even has to offer."

J: "Yea, that would be our best bet.
Who knows what the hell this world has to offer."

S: "Yea, well, we have a 42 mile walk till Spanaway.
Might as well get to movin."

J: "Yea, that would be best."

We began walking towards Spanaway, on foot it's gonna take more the 42 miles.
But none the less, we pressed forward.

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