Chapter 1: Don't Argue with Strangers

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If you're wondering what's going to happen now, please check the A/N at the end of this book for information about this book. Enjoy!


I sighed, shuffling my feet across the floor to go to my own room. My migraine felt as if it nailed itself over and over unto my skull as a dull ache was spread throughout my body. Once I reached my door, I opened it and entered, slammed the door shut, stumbling upstairs to my bedroom, and fell into my bed almost instantly

I am infamously known for my anime, but it usually gave off bad vibes most of the time. As a result, no one really liked me. It wasn't that the Fandoms hated me, no I seemed fine among my peers, yet none of the anime fandoms never actually found me appealing enough, and the others were the same. Again, they didn't probably hate me, but maybe just a small number dislike me due to my anime being 'offensive', which was understandable since it's been stated that the nations had positive and negative cultural stereotypes that helped them form. There were other ridiculous--but in its own way true--things that many fandoms/people didn't find acceptable of appealing. Plus, my anime didn't have the best design or animation, so I wasn't attractive, either. I never really did find myself charming at all. It was hard considering having a plump face, short stature, and thick-framed glasses; ironically, most people find glasses on most people attractive.

Most fandoms just found me rather weird and quirky, while the others just found me too happy-go-lucky; mellow, even. Sometimes both. And since apparently nothing too critical happens in my anime, they just ignored me. It wasn't true that my anime was really all laid-back and soft, but I didn't blame them.

I was always described as weird. Not worth anyone's time. I was often left alone, and I grew accustomed to that. I lived everyday with a smile, knowing that maybe, just maybe, someone would fill that empty void in me. I spent most of my time with Vocaloid, but of course, since Vocaloid's quite popular, some other fandoms drop by and take them away, so they're often busy. Yet, I still hoped for someone who would love me. Someone would finally accept me. Of course, with how things are now, I'm not so sure about that.

No one did really bother with me. Almost as if, no one wanted me.

Maybe someday, I'll find someone. For now, I was lonely.

And it was okay, I guess.


[2 days later]

I ran along the halls of the Tumblr Building in haste, my bomber jacket flying and my curl bouncing incessantly. Except, it was less of just a building and more of a huge place where all fandom had their own place; all the fandoms lived here.

Of course, starter fandoms that gained popularity in a young state mostly stay here for the time being. When they get popular, they can have their own house as a getaway, but nevertheless, their room will always stay here, and every Fandom's nights - whether popular or not - often spend their nights here. It was a burden being with different sorts of fandoms, but I could deal with it...Most of the time.

I was trying to make my way to the next Fandom Meeting. Unfortunately, I was late and already losing breath. Funny enough, I was the one who came up with the idea of the Fandom Meeting, but I was never really credited for it. What felt like running forever (I wasn't that fit, apparently) I spotted the door, and bursted in without warning saying:

"Sorry I'm late, guys. I must've overslept," I spurted out, flashing my trademark smile. Everyone seemed pleased with my answer, and continued on with the meeting. As I panted heavily, I spotted a grey figure with nubby...Candy corn horns just beside the Doctor Who fandom, whom seemed to be leading the meeting this time. DW saw me and smiled, waving.

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