Chapter 2: Grudges Mean Nothing When the Person You're Holding it Against is Hot

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(A/N: I'd make more chapters before I reach this point, but I can't think of anything)

[Third Person]

-years/months/whatever later-

Hetalia was enthralled. No, ecstatic about the new season for Hetalia. Not to mention Himaruya changed the style a bit, and so, he got more attractive, and it shown. He still needed his glasses, but used contact lenses most of the time.

The building was rather quiet today. Sounds of banter occasionally popped up here and there, nevertheless, it almost felt like Hetalia was walking through an abandoned building. His footsteps rang through the place, and as what felt like forever, he finally reached the elevator.

The light was rather dim as he stepped inside, but you could still see clearly. One thing bothered Hetalia to no end, and it was the silence. The Japanese Fandom wasn't used to silence, and that's mostly the reason why he never objected anything when meetings got rough. He could assume that everyone was just being eerily quiet today, but Hetalia dubbed it impossible. Anyone would. Maybe a large number of them were outside...? Probably, and if that was the case, he might as we'll go out and explore to test his theory.

As he reached his destination of the building, he stepped out of the elevator. Expectedly, no one was at the first floor. You'd find one or two people in the first floor once in a while, but it was deserted most of the time.

Hetalia stepped out of the doors and into the fresh air of the Lands of Tumblr, feeling a chill run through his spine. He forgot his bomber jacket in his room, and he only wore jeans and a simple Captain America T-shirt that would excite The Avengers Fandom if they ever discovered that Hetalia was wearing it. The Avengers was a good film for Hetalia. He could easily relate his own characters with the ones in the movie.

Nevermind. He was getting off topic. Hetalia breathed in the air, walking through the streets and enjoying the given serenity of the place. Tumblr was usually overboard with emotions, and there was hardly any peace, and so Hetalia took his precious time on finding the others.

Well, he was merely trying to find someone or some fandom and spent his time loitering around his own place. It may be cold out, but it was relaxing.

His short-lived stroll of peace ended when he heard cracks, multiple gasps, whimpering, and cries.

And suddenly, Hetalia's ' Hero' mode kicked in.

He took a deep breathe, taking time to piece together what may be happening, and sprinted to where those sounds came from. Suddenly, a group of people came into view. They looked like they were surrounding whatever was happening. And when he finally made his way through the crowd of anons, people, and a few fandoms, he finally saw why it was silent in the building.

The Homestuck Fandom. Being... Beat up. Whoever was beating him to the pulp? Hetalia didn't indulge in that now. Instead, he focused on his rival, the reason a burning passion of hate resides in Hetalia, his mortal enemy since day one, being harshly beaten up.

Surprisingly, Hetalia wasn't amused with the scene given in front of his very eyes. No smile traced those chapped lips of his. No evil or condescending smirk was found. No glint of victory or hate flickered in those blue eyes of his.

Only anger resided in those eyes.

Whether Homestuck was an enemy or not, he couldn't just ignore him. Though it sounds hypocritical, Hetalia hates war, and understands the consequences of what may happen after. War determined who was left, rather than who was right. And although arguments were common with Hetalia and Homestuck, Homestuck didn't deserve this. No one did.

Hetalia wasn't blinded with anger this time. He wasn't going to make a wrong choice or mistake this time. Carefully, he pulled a frying pan out of the air magically (A/N: that sentence just ruined the tension my bad) and held it slowly behind the attackers head...


"Wh-What the...?" Hetalia heard Homestuck stammer. It didn't matter at that time; Hetalia wasn't finished with his work. He attacker fell to the ground. Fortunately for him, Hetalia didn't hit him that hard, just hard enough to make him stumble to the ground.

"Heta..! Look out!" Homestuck called out. Before the Anime Fandom could look behind, two arms wrapped around his own.

Must be the gang, Hetalia thought. The attacked attacker rose from the ground slowly after his fall, and wobbly toppled over to Hetalia, whom was still trying to break free.

"He... He he..." The person chuckled, "Lookie what we have here, boys," He smirked, "Probably the loser's boyfriend!" He laughed, and his colleagues laughed along with him. Hetalia only glared daggers. Oh, only if they knew the truth...

Before the person could throw a punch at Hetalia, one of the people holding his arms exclaimed, "Hey! What if we beat up Homestuck instead and make lover boy here watch!"

The attacker seemed pleased withy he idea, "Kill two birds with one stone?" He smirked once more, "I like what you're thinking," As he turned around to continue beating up the defenceless Homestuck, a purple aura surrounded Hetalia, which left the people behind him confused, and possibly scared, which lessened their grip on him.

Meanwhile, the person walked up to Homestuck with his fist balled up, "He... You worthless sack of shit. I don't get why people even read your stupid webcomic," he mocked, but Homestuck stayed dreadfully silent. Too silent.

I don't get it, Heta thought, why aren't the other people doing anything?!

"Won't talk, eh?" He said through clenched teeth, trying to make himself sound threatening. He held his fist in the air, already looking prepared to bawl Homestuck with it, "This'll teach ya!"

Then, Hetalia saw nothing but red.


A small crack was heard as Hetalia saw colours again. Everyone around him looked... Terrified?

That's peculiar... Hetalia thought, but then he looked down to his feet to see blood stains on the floor. Oh.

Wait a minute...

"Homestuck?" Hetalia asked, concern being evident in his voice, "Are you alright?" And Homestuck just....Stared? At him of all people. His face held a look of confusion and... Adoration? Nah, that couldn't be it... Could it?

"H-Homestuck? Hetalia asked once more, raising his eyebrow in suspicion. And yet, Homestuck continued to stare.


"He-Hetalia? Homestuck asked, the confusion evident in his scratchy voice.


They were still rivals, right? That's why he's so confused....

He never really talked to the American Fandom, so honestly, Hetalia doesn't know what to say. Suddenly flustered, The Japanese Fandom stuttered: "O-Oh! Hehe...Uh..I just...Yeah...I-I mean..! I didn't! I mean it's not like I like you or anything... Wait, I mean...!" And Hetalia didn't stop from there.

Homestuck was glad that Hetalia was too flustered to even see the immense glow of neon green plastered on those grey cheeks of his.

(Btw, that means he's blushing)

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